The peak larval, pre-oviposition, and oviposition periods were observed to be 6.48 versus 6.89, 14.0 versus 20.0, and 32 versus 62 days, respectively after nine and 24 generations of mass rearing and selection under laboratory conditions (Miyatake, 1997; 1998a). Illegal movement of fruit is a major risk for invasion of fruit flies elsewhere. DL O M Maize can also be used as a border crop for melon fruit fly attraction through application of protein bait (Dhillon, personal observations). M K In sterile insect programs the terms ’sterility’ or sterile insect’ refer to the transmission of dominant lethal mutations that kill the progeny. Some critical observations on the biology of melon fly, Research Bulletin of Punjab University (Science). CR MW T Vargas Christenson Sharma Studies on comparative biology of the melon fruit fly. RI Young larvae leave the necrotic region and move to healthy tissue, where they often introduce various pathogens and hasten fruit decomposition. . The length of time required for the medfly to complete its life cycle under typical Florida summer weather conditions, and on which eradication schedules in Florida are based, is 21 to 30 days. There is a positive correlation between cue-lure trap catches and weather conditions such as minimum temperature, rainfall, and minimum humidity. The eggs hatch into larvae inside the fruit after a few days (2-4 days). Akhtaruzzaman et al. (1999) suggested cucumber fruits should be bagged at 3 days after anthesis, and the bags should be retained for 5 days for effective control. However, White and Elson-Harris (1994) stated that many of the host records might be based on casual observations of adults resting on plants or caught in traps set in non-host plant species. W . Other species of fruit fly are Carpomya MK Egg hatchability is not influenced by mating duration (Tsubaki and Sokei, 1988). in Hawaii, Hawaiian Agricultural Station, University of Hawaii. The area must be subsequently protected against reinvasion by quarantine controls, for example, by pest eradication on isolated islands. Completion of the life cycle normally requires one to two months under warm conditions, but may … The available information on the melon fruit fly has been reviewed in this manuscript to explore the possibilities for successful management of this pest in cucurbits. During the hot and dry season, the flies take shelter under humid and shady places and feed on honeydew of aphids infesting the fruit trees. Yang et al. Seewooruthun RFL JM Hussain There are four stages in the life cycle of QFF: egg, larva (maggot), pupa and adult. Drew Chishaki After introduction, it can easily disperse due to its high reproductive potential, high biotic potential (short life cycle of 3-5 weeks, up to 10 generations of offspring per year), and a rapid dispersal ability. LWY . Their immediate requirement is to feed on a surgary substance and hence why it was critical that their mom placed them in a suitable area. WA During the severe winter months, they hide and huddle together under dried leaves of bushes and trees. ZA Nasir Genetic changes of life history and behavioral traits during mass rearing in the melon fly. ML The mean Pre-oviposition period13.5±1.5 and oviposition period 18.0±6 days while, mean mating period (3±1hrs), fecundity 80.0±20 eggs/life cycle and incubation period of eggs varied from 1.25±0.25 days was observed of cucurbit fruit fly. Secondary hosts can include green beans, papayas and granadilla. Bhatia and Mahto (1969) reported that the life cycle is completed in 36.3, 23.6, 11.2, and 12.5 days at 15, 20, 27.5, and 30° C, respectively. Queensland fruit fly goes through four main stages of life. Therefore, it is difficult to rely on insecticides as a means of controlling this pest. Leong Sometimes pseudo-punctures (punctures without eggs) have also been observed on the fruit skin. Vargas . JW CR . Rial The lower developmental threshold for melon fruit fly was recorded as 8.1° C (Keck, 1951). MJ Mote momordica), and snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina). . Life cycles of fruit flies . Pogoda CTS Nakamori et al. C Mitchell Sookar . Sakurai Therefore, it may be interesting to examine the mating ability of the males of the selected strain, because the effectiveness of the sterile-male release technique depends on the mating ability of the sterile males released into the eco-system. The local area management aims mainly at suppression, rather than eradication. Akhtaruzzaman D The female adult fly lays eggs (1-20) into the maturing and ripening fruit of the host plant. A Mexican strain of the nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae Weiser (Neoaplectana carpocapsae), has been reported to cause 0 to 86% mortality to melon fruit fly after an exposure of 6 days to 5000 to 5,000,000 nematodes/cup in the laboratory, and an average of 87.1% mortality under field conditions when applied at 500 infective juveniles/cm2 soil (Lindegren, 1990). In general, its life cycle lasts from 21 to 179 days (Fukai, 1938; Narayanan and Batra, 1960). A watery fluid oozes from the puncture, which becomes slightly concave with seepage of fluid, and transforms into a brown resinous deposit. Jirasurat JR DG Atzeni S Newell Thus, there is a need to reevaluate the parasitization potential of O. flatcheri before its exploitation as biocontrol agent for the management of B. cucurbitae. There are four stages to the life cycle of fruit flies, these are: eggs, larvae (maggots), pupae and adults. Efficiency of poison bait trap in controlling fruit fly, Occurrence of melon and Oriental fruit fly in Republic of Naru, Pakistan Journal of Entomological Research. Hamacek . MS Lee Mau SV Pal The larvae pupate in the soil at a depth of 0.5 to 15 cm. Chemical Control. H Ali-Sardar . Jang Senior-White (1924) listed 87 species of Tephritidae in India. Inayat-Tullah Studies on the fruit flies of the Philippines Islands, Indonesia and Malaya. SC Ashraf Note that at this stage of the life cycle … The wide area management program involves the coordination of different characteristics of an insect eradication program (including local area options) over an entire area within a defensible perimeter, and subsequently protected against reinvasion by quarantine controls. Nishida Khan . K Y IW . Stuart Klungness Doijode A Pupation occurs in the soil. S Bisan Nagappan Kushwaha Hamacek There are four stages in the life cycle of Queensland fruit fly: egg, larva (maggot), pupa and adult. The adults survive for 27.5, 30.71 and 30.66 days at 27 ± 1° C on pumpkin, squash gourd and bitter gourd, respectively (Doharey, 1983). Ramsamy LM Batra SI . Lemonnier Chowdhury J . VM Eggs . Drew LF The mean incubation period varied from 1.7±0.12 days in 2002 and 1.4±0.16 days in 2003 at temperature range from 31.9 – 32.2°C in 2002 and 27.3 – 30.8°C while, relative humidity was 56.7 – 62.8% during 2002 and 60.6–81.2% during 2003. K Mau Liang Characteristics of hot spots of melon fly, Varietal resistance of gourds to the fruit fly, Natural enemies of the melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae Coq. Base developmental temperature thresholds are used in this model's calculations and it estimates the generation time period necessary for the completion of a generation of Melon fruit fly. Mayer Cayol Depending on temperature and the host, the pupal period may vary from 7 to 13 days (Hollingsworth et al., 1997). AJ However, the suppression of B. cucurbitae reproduction through male annihilation with cue-lure may be problematic. M R Bagging of fruit. The larval period lasts for 3 to 21 days (Renjhan, 1949; Narayanan and Batra, 1960; Hollingsworth et al., 1997), depending on temperature and the host. A The fruit fly's life cycle begins when the female lays her eggs on a piece of fermenting fruit or other decaying, sweet organic material. Hengsawad RI R Kanehira A female melon fly usually lays eggs under the skin of host fruit; however, in its favored hosts in the family Cucurbitaceae, eggs may also be laid into flowers, stems, and exposed roots. Host specific demographic studies of the melon fruit fly. R E The female lays eggs under the skin of the fruit of the host plant. The mature larva emerges from the fruit, drops to the ground, and forms a tan to dark brown puparium. Host Plants. The principal of this particular technique is the denial of resources needed for laying by female flies such as protein food (protein bait control) or parapheromone lures that eliminate males. Completion of the QFF life cycle is dependent on temperature and moisture. Fujitani M.K. The extent of losses vary between 30 to 100%, depending on the cucurbit species and the season. (1993) reported that the males and females survived for 65 to 249 days and 27.5 to 133.5 days respectively. DA The accumulative day degrees required for egg, larvae, and pre-egg laying adults were recorded as 21.2, 101.7, and 274.9 day degrees, respectively (Keck, 1951). Ali C . Hosanna SS MP The Fruit Fly life cycle all informations about it The Fruit Fly life cycle if you enjoy the informations please share and like :) Hollingsworth DA An IPM program that used field sanitation, protein bait applications, male annihilation, and release of sterile flies and parasites reduced fruit fly infestation from 30 to 40% to less than 5%, and cut organophosphate pesticide use by 75 to 90% (Vargas, 2004). S The eggs are laid into unopened flowers, and the larvae successfully develop in the taproots, stems, and leaf stalks (Weems and Heppner, 2001). Mitchell Mutual reproductive benefits between a wild orchid, Competitiveness of gamma-sterilized males of the Mediterranean fruit flies, Fluorescent transformation markers for insect transgenesis, A transgene-based, embryo-specific lethality system for insect pest management. Host range of melon fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae. R Pre-oviposition and oviposition periods range between 10 to 16.3, and 5 to 15 days, respectively, and the females live longer (21.7 to 32.7 days) than the males (15.0 to 28.5 days) (Koul and Bhagat, 1994). The life cycle takes about 2.5 weeks during summer. Lee JS E There are no reports on the successful use of bio-control agents against the melon fruit fly. Miyatake (1998b) reported that males show heritable variation in pre-mating period, while no such effects were observed in the females. Insecticidal trials for the control of the melon fruit fly. For cucurbits, especially bitter gourd, Momordica charantia Linn., the melon fruit fly damage is the major limiting factor in obtaining good quality fruits and high yield (Srinivasan, 1959; Lall and Singh, 1969; Mote, 1975; Rabindranath and Pillai, 1986). T MN al, 1999). Singh CG . During the hot and dry season, the flies take shelter under humid and shady places and feed on honeydew of aphids infesting the fruit trees. The melon fly is native to India, and is distributed throughout most parts of the country.It can be found throughout most of southern Asia, several countries in Africa, some island groups in the Pacific. 1991; Permalloo et al., 1998; Seewooruthun et al., 1998). Daily minimum and maximum temperatures are used to produce a sine curve over a 24- hour period. The females lay the eggs 2 to 4 mm deep in the fruit pulp, and the maggots feed inside the developing fruits. Talpur A number of commercially produced attractants (Flycide® with 85% cue-lure content; Eugelure® 20%; Eugelure® 8%; Cue-lure® 85% + naled; Cue-lure® 85% + diazinon; Cue-lure® 95% + naled) are available on the market, and have been found to be effective in controlling this pest (Iwaizumi et al., 1991). PM Liang Mohsin Vargas Therefore, keeping in view the importance of the pest and crop, the melon fruit fly management could be done using local area management or wide area management. Sugano Unmole Horn LM Although it is found in Hawaii, it is absent from the continental United States (Weems and Heppner, 2001). FL Breeding is continuous, with several generations possible annually. Cold treatment at 1.1 ± 0.6° C for 12 days disinfested Hawaiian starfruit, Averrhoa carambola, of tephritid eggs and larvae (Armstrong et al., 1995). Tsuchiya RFL Screening of different cucurbit crops for the attack of the melon fruit fly. Shah AR Z the life cycle of Queensland fruit fly (QFF) how it spreads; how to monitor fruit and vegetables for signs of infestation and control numbers; View transcript [Narrator] Queensland fruit fly can be a problem for home gardeners and commercial growers because it attacks a large variety of fruit and vegetables, making them inedible. The pupal stage lasts about 10 days. Chemical control of the melon fruit fly is relatively ineffective. . UN Buyckx G The subject today is the life cycle of the fruit or vinegar fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Your comment will be reviewed and published at the journal's discretion. Dhillon Srinivasan AC In the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata, release of sterile males increased the effectiveness of the sterile insect program (Hendrichs et al., 2005). Burying damaged fruits 0.46 m deep in the soil prevents adult fly eclosion and reduces population increase (Klungness et al., 2005). JD Brar A Naresh, H.C. Sharma, The melon fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae: A review of its biology and management, Journal of Insect Science, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2005, 40, The sex attractant cue-lure traps are more effective than the food attractant tephritlure traps for monitoring the B. cucurbitae in bitter gourd (Pawar et al., 1991). In cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) and bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) field infestation problems caused by B. cucurbitae are very common in Thailand (Ramadan and Messing 2003). Fruit fly development (life cycle) depends on temperature. YB Gurung Chang The GF-120 Fruit Fly Bait® would be highly effective, when applied to sorghum plants surrounding cucumbers against protein-hungry melon flies, but would be less effective in preventing protein-satiated females from arriving on cucumbers. MT The mean incubation period varied from 1.7±0.12 days in 2002 and 1.4±0.16 days in 2003 at temperature range from 31.9 – 32.2°C in 2002 and 27.3 – 30.8°C while, relative humidity was 56.7 – 62.8% during 2002 and 60.6–81.2% during 2003. Keeping in view the importance of the pest and crop, melon fruit fly management could be done using local area management and wide area management. Field sanitation. Completion of the Queensland fruit fly life cycle is dependent on temperature and moisture. (1952), and Nishida (1955) have reported parasitization at levels of 80, 44, and 37%, respectively, from Hawaii. Rekha sapientum), tangerine (Citrus reticulata) and longan (Euphoria longan) are doubtful hosts of B. cucurbitae. Studies on the biology and control of melon fly, Notes on the Dacine of Southern China (Diptera: Tephritidae), Journal of Australian Entomological Society, Field suppression of three fruit fly species (Diptera: Tephritidae) with, Proceedings 5th International Colloquium on Invertebrate Pathology and Microbial Control, Pre-harvest control of Oriental fruit fly and melon fly, Plant Quarantine in Asia and the Pacific, Report of APO Study Meeting, Use resistant vegetable varieties: A best alternative to tackle diseases and insect pests. The lifespan of an adult fly varies depending on many factors, and can be as long as 5–15 months. PB . A genetic trade-off has been observed between early-fecundity and longevity. . (1994) reported the net reproductive rate to be 72.9 births per female. Similar level of parasitization (<3%) was also reported from northern India by Nishida (1963). NW F Gopalakrishnan RV Nearly 250 species are of economic importance, and are distributed widely in temperate, sub-tropical, and tropical regions of the world (Christenson and Foote, 1960). L Gumedzoe Import controls carried out in airports in France since 1993 on tropical fruits have revealed the presence of 12 non-European and one European species of Tephritidae, (Bayart et al., 1997). Lindquist Research on infestation in several kinds of fruits by the melon fly, Research Bulletin Plant Protection Service Japan. MK Walters C Eggs. Influence of temperature on the speed of development of melon fly, An insecticidal trial for reducing the damage of some cucurbitaceous fruits due to, Evaluation of an insecticide schedule for the control of red pumpkin beetle and melon fruit fly on red pumpkin in the hills zone of Assam, New indices and method to measure the sexual compatibility and mating performance of. . A Lawande Kritsaneepaiboon The fruits attacked in early stages fail to develop properly, and drop or rot on the plant. EL Fruit fly Management TYPICAL LIFE CYCLE Fusarium wilt distances within a short time; exceptional observa-tions showed a Bactrocera sp. M MG Comparison of adult life history traits in lines artificially selected for long and short larval and pupal developmental periods in the melon fly, Genetic trade-off between early fecundity and longevity in. They hatch in 2 to 4 days. N Dowell AR In hot weather, the life cycle of the fruit fly (see Figure 1) may take only 7 to 8 days and the adult lays 700 to 800 eggs in its 20- to 30-day life span. An extract of Acorus calamus (0.15%) reduced the adult longevity from 119.2 days to 26.6 days when fed continuously with sugar mixed with extract (at 1 ml/g sugar) (Nair and Thomas, 1999). T Dhankhar Rahman to be a dominant parasitoid of B. cucurbitae, but the efficacy of this parasitoid has not been tested under field conditions in India. Eggs are white and one millimetre long, which makes them hard to see. Wild hosts, particularly bitter melon, Mormordica charantia, can be important. Tran Oviposition punctures in cucurbit fruits and their economic damage caused by the sterile female melon fly, Genetic correlations between life history and behavioral traits can cause reproductive isolation, Two-way artificial selection for developmental period in. B We use the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license that permits unrestricted use, provided that the paper is properly attributed. JW Genetic variation in pre-mating period of the mass-reared melon fly, Economic analysis of area-wide fruit fly management, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance, A taxonomic treatise on the Decidae (Tephritoidea: Diptera) of Africa, Entomological Memories of the Department of Agriculture, Republic of South Africa. Staten The fruit subsequently rots or becomes distorted. The most effective method in melon fruit fly management uses primary component- field sanitation. It has been reported to damage 81 host plants and is a major pest of cucurbitaceous vegetables, particularly the bitter gourd (Momordica charantia), muskmelon (Cucumis melo), snap melon (C. melo var. Chinajariyawong This species actively breeds when the temperature falls below 32.2° C and the relative humidity ranges between 60 to 70%. Kobayashi Jang . .