As they look, they end up disagreeing with most of the choices they make, leading to a frantic search around the Royal Woods Mall and Flip's Food & Fuel for the perfect present. Also, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily compete to see who will get more candy than the others as a Halloween-disliking Lynn Sr. escorts them. After a yo-yo trick he was showing off goes wrong, Lincoln discovers that it smashed and spilled Lisa's chemicals. Rita reveals to Lynn Sr. that the Royal Woods Gazette is looking for someone to handle the parenting advice column. One of those obstacles is Lori beating him to the bathroom. After the trip, Lynn Sr. thinks that Lola suspects him of playing favorites after he did various puns with Luan, while also recapping how his own dad had played favorites when he was young. With their mode of transportation destroyed, the Louds must make the most of what they can salvage while they wait for the. "Insta-gran": Pop-Pop comes to have dinner with the Loud family and reveals that he has a new girlfriend named Myrtle, who was told everything about the children by Pop-Pop. However, due to Rosa's ever growing anxieties, she has the other tenants and family friends check up on her. Not wanting to miss the championship, Ronnie Anne pretends to be sick so she can stay home. With encouragement from their respective parents, Lori and Bobby attempt to show each other that they care for each other through various means like signs of affection, a home video, and virtual dating. As Lynn Sr. and Rita try to relax, Lincoln and his sisters unknowingly cause chaos in the hotel. During a photo shoot for Dr. Feinstein's dental practice, Lola finds that she can break out in big-time projects when the photographer sees her with Lily. In a follow-up to "White Hare", the new girl Stella wants to hang out with Lincoln, Clyde, Liam, Rusty, and Zach. When I was writing an episode, I was called, along with twelve people who were also working on the show. Lori is planning to buy her own dream car for the day she goes to Fairway University. The DVD for this season was released in Region 1 on May 21, 2017 and in Region 2 on May 22, 2018, The second season of The Loud House aired on November 9, 2016 with the episodes "Intern for the Worse" and "The Old and the Restless and ended on December 1, 2017. The Loud children hold a garage sale to see who can sell the most things. She takes drastic measures to get more likes than Carol, putting up with interference from her siblings and neglecting her regular chat with Bobby (who has an upcoming dentist appointment) in the process. Leni tries to balance between the two groups to make them happy, but when she is caught, her friends decide to call it a night. Because of this, the two fear that dating long distance isn't working out for them. Unfortunately, this causes Rita to get busted by Officer Schoffner for committing a crime spree and having to spend time in prison. The final episode overall is Only me and twelve others saw the original pilot. To see an international list of The Loud House episodes, see here. The series started showing on May 2, 2016. Soon, Ronnie Anne finds out that Mrs. Santiago wants to move her family in with the Casagrande family because of a new job. 1 Season list 2 Shorts (2014–2020) 3 Specials (2020) 4 Season 1 (2016) 5 Season 2 (2016–2017) 6 Season 3 (2018–2019) 7 Season 4 (2019–2020) 8 Season 5 (2020–present) 9 … "A Grave Mistake": The Morticians Club loses its leader, Bertrand, when his father gets a job as a lifeguard at the S.S. Funtime Party Cruise. As the only brother in the house with five older sisters, five younger sisters and one bathroom, life in the Loud house can get pretty crazy. But little do the boys realize is getting into a yearbook is not the easiest task. After Lincoln's second attempt, the Sister Fight Protocol gets worse when the rest of his sisters get into fights with each other. Jealous of the attention that Watterson is taking from them, the Loud pets Charles, Cliff, Geo, and Walt work to get rid of Watterson, which leads to them sending him to the Green Mile Pet Sanctuary. After Clyde has another fainting experience when Lori answers the door, Lori wishes for Clyde to act normal around her. "Deep Cuts": At Royal Woods High School, Luna learns from a note from Principal Rivers that music club has been cancelled due to budget cuts. Now Lincoln must use what he learned from his sisters to get himself and Clyde back safely. As Lori covers for Lynn Sr. and Rita into being Lola's chaperone due to both of them being unavailable, Lola worries about losing when she meets other contestants like Chinah, Claudette, and Jackie who are better at everything than her. Luan prepares for the Junior Comedians Contest at the Chortle Portal on Saturday. (#220B), "Mall of Duty" (#222B), "The Crying Dame" (#225A), and "Snow Way Out" (#226B), all were directed by Kyle Marshall. "Along Came a Sister": Mrs. Johnson selects Lincoln to watch over the class' pet tarantula Frank. After overhearing his parents, Clyde thinks that he is getting a sibling. A new zombie-themed cereal called Zombie Bran has gone on sale. "Exchange of Heart": With Howard and Harold still not wanting Clyde to do things like watch "Crow-Mageddon" or a video game all-nighter with Lincoln, he takes Lincoln's advice to have his dads host a Brazilian exchange student named Tiago. Lincoln's sled Big Red accidentally goes into his neighbor Mr. Grouse's yard, and he and Clyde work to get it back. To keep Leni from ruining the family's surprise birthday party for Rita, Lincoln must work to keep Leni away from the party preparations as the rest of Lincoln's sisters work to get the party ready and have the invitations sent out. Lana takes advantage of that and begins to build her own car called Loud Lightning like how Bobbie made her first car from scratch and brings Lincoln along as her co-driver. The Loud House is an American animated comedy television series created by Chris Savino that premiered on Nickelodeon on May 2, 2016. "House of Lies": Lisa has noticed a bunch of lies told by her fellow family members. "Selfie Improvement": Lori discovers that her longtime rival, Carol Pingrey (Ashlyn Madden), has gotten more likes than her on her first photo on a social media site. In order to make themselves prepared for burglars, Lincoln and his sisters do various things, such as storing their possessions in the bathroom, defending themselves, and enlisting the help of Bobby in Mall Cop attire and Lynn Jr.'s roller derby team in order to protect their house. Thinking that Bobby is cheating on Lori upon seeing him interact with various different women, Lincoln and Clyde investigate, which soon leads to the rest of Lincoln's sisters getting involved. "No Bus No Fuss": On the usual bus ride to Royal Woods Middle School, Lincoln runs afoul of three 8th graders named Anderson, Taylor, and Pablo. The Loud House came out in May 2, 2016. Someone has clogged the toilet and Lincoln is the main suspect. Chad's Big Trouble 1.12 12. There is a contest where whoever submits a good. Not wanting Lori be distant from her and misinterpreting Lily's advice, Leni works to prevent her from getting a scholarship by doing things like looking bad in front of Coach Niblik. With a setback in his plans, Lincoln tries to swap the names around with another sister with different results until he forgets to find a gift for Lola and gives in to a deal offered to him by Chandler. During a tornado watch for Royal Woods, the Loud children end up taking shelter in the basement, where they reminisce all the good and bad times that happened with their house and its issues. "City Slickers": Lincoln and Lori head to Great Lakes City to visit Bobby, Ronnie Anne, and the Casagrande family. While going through the attic with Clyde to find his birth story, Lincoln finds the birth story section in his baby book empty. Mr. Leni works to keep her younger siblings in line while constantly calling Lori for advice when she ends up over her head. As part of her birthday party business called Funny Business Inc., Luan hires Lincoln to be her birthday clown assistant. Disney Infinity 4.0: Universe Edition; Legion Loud When Lincoln, Clyde, Liam, Rusty, and Stella try to get on their good side, they end up exiting the bus with wedgies. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. But if the girls win, then Lincoln has to stop his annoying habits forever. The fifth season of The Loud House aired on September 11, 2020 with the episode "Schooled". But when it appears that Lily's blanket has been accidentally sold, the Loud children must band together, find out who they sold it to, and get it back. After Kotaro and Grant's alibis are confirmed, Lincoln and Clyde go to the Frosty Farms Frozen Foods headquarters to find the culprit. To pull this off, Lincoln enlists his sisters to do various things to scare him and Clyde and Lucy comes up with various scares to toughen them up. Worried that it is something negative, Lincoln enlists his friends to help delay his parents' chat with Mrs. Johnson. When this attempt fails, the Loud siblings must find a way to keep Lily from saying the "D Word.". It is in its fifth season. Due to the Loud siblings being suspended from every pool for various things like chicken fights during senior swim, making the swimming pool like chicken soup, and Lily's fecal matter, Lincoln decides to obtain an inflatable pool for himself to do cannonballs in and he tries to keep his sisters from ruining it when they learn about it. Lincoln discovers that he does the same routine every day, like going to the bathroom at the same time, how he likes his breakfast burrito, wearing the same outfit, partnering up with Clyde, and persuading Coach Pacowski into not letting him climb the rope. The two of them bond over pranks when CJ, Carl, and Carlitos start a prank war. As they are tired with Lynn always showboating and gloating after every win, Lincoln and his other sisters team up in an attempt to take Lynn down by playing a game that would put her against all of them. After Lynn's antics cause Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan to lose their clients, they decide to trick Lynn into babysitting the Fox Quintuplets who are their worst clients so that Lynn would quit. Unfortunately, Lana takes a shortcut and does a swamp monster plot with Hops and the local animals that soon gets covered in the news by local news reporter Katherine Mulligan. At Clyde's suggestion, Lincoln persuades his sisters to come to the convention as the Full Deck. Wanting to obtain birthday party invitations from a popular kid named Chandler, Lincoln and Clyde take advantage of Lori's employee benefits at Gus's Games and Grub to give Chandler free stuff, jeopardizing Lori's plans for her school's dance. Due to the confusion because of Lori's absence, Leni accidentally attends Baby Bunker Preschool. After some persuasion, Rita is given the opportunity to run the writing club and proceeds to go against the book by taking Lucy and the other members, Haiku, Sasha and Amir, to different places to expand their craft. 1 Censorship 1.1 Kenya Censorship 1.2 Turkey Censorship 1.3 UK Censorship 1.4 Nicktoons UK 1.5 Season One 1.6 Season Two 1.7 Israel Censorship 1.8 Season Two 1.9 Latin … When it comes to the Amazing Brailster's magic show, Lincoln finds that Liam, Rusty, and Stella have been lying to get out of going to the Amazing Brailster and the truth about what happened with Clyde at the last Amazing Brailster show. Ronnie Anne learns from her family that it's tradition for all the family members to do a performance for Hector when his birthday comes. This category contains articles about episodes which are banned from airing in foreign countries. This is the re-written episode where Lincoln's the only 1 who gets nauseous from food poisoning right after eating a tainted egg salad sandwich and his sisters are in a state of shock and panic much to Ronnie Anne's concern when she notices him not feeling very good. This leaves it up to Lincoln to recruit Hunter Spector to convince Clyde to start believing again. Though this charade lasts up to the point where Lola has a doctor's appointment and Lana has a dentist's appointment which affects their participation in their respectful events. When they manage to drive the ghost away, Lori finds that everyone's game is a bit off much to the dismay of Coach Niblick. The Loud House is a American cartoon that was made by Nickelodeon. Ronnie Anne is excited to watch a wrestling championship featuring her favorite wrestler La Tormenta. Displeased with the roommate rumbles over various reasons, Lincoln gives his sisters a compatibility test to see who they are best suited for. In order to impress Poppa Wheelie's gang, Lincoln and Clyde borrow Lynn's bike without her knowledge. One winter night, a tree knocks down a powerline on Oak Street. Clyde, Howard, and Harold work to coral their cats Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti so that they can be taken to the vet. Lincoln and his sisters have become fed up with the various issues in their house (e.g., broken door handles, backed-up pipes, water leaks, creaky floors, rotting wood, thin walls, and opossums chewing the wires of their house). Carlota and Carl spy on behalf of the rest of the Casagrandes. Principal Huggins and Cheryl are planning a third grade school trip to the beach at Lake St. Byron. Lori gets jealous when Bobby begins to excessively hang out with Lincoln. ", "The Louds are putting on a sock puppet show in our latest short, "Put A Sock In It, "There can only be one King of the Chair! To better relate to Carlota, Ronnie Anne takes Sid's advice to bond with her. The editor-in-chief Jesse Hiller responds to her resume and will give her the position if her 11 kids are perfect. When it goes missing, Lincoln, Clyde, Liam, Rusty, and Zach work to find it while investigating the school legend of the Rat Beast which takes items. While seeing that Coach Pacowski still loves Mrs. Johnson, Lincoln and Clyde plan to hook them up, using advice from Lori on finding Coach Pacowski's strong points. "The Boss Maybe": Ms. Carmichael makes Leni the employee of the month. The DVD for the The only episodes in this season Chris didn't direct were "Frog Wild" (#208B), "Pulp Friction" (#211A), "Room with a Feud" (#214B), "Garage Banned" (#217B), "Change of Heart" (#218A), "Friend or Faux?" The first season of The Loud House first aired on May 2, 2016. This causes Rita to have her kids not be a nuisance in certain areas so that she can maintain the position. Lisa neglecting her intelligence causes her fellow sisters to blame Lincoln for the change. 1 Series overview 2 Shorts 3 Episodes 3.1 Season 1 (2016) 3.2 Season 2 (2016-2017) 3.3 Season 3 (2018-2019) 3.4 Season 4 (2019-2020) 3.5 Season 5 (2020-2021) 4 External links → Main article: The Loud House shorts → … And fight a gas monster ``: Clyde & Lincoln 's sled Big Red goes... Causes her fellow sisters to try not to play video games watch on Nick & Nicktoons list! Them out project as they are n't good at certain things Lincoln reads his comic books in his.. Is away at a poetry convention borrow Lynn 's Table which goes comically awry becoming Savvy! The parenting advice column local carnival to make up results in making the Sister fight Protocol gets when! A second job at Royal Woods Gazette is looking for a good girlfriend to him is planning go! Find the culprit from the afterlife with comical results go horribly awry Ace Savvy comic series broadcast on.. 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