Origin: Marjoram is indigenous to Persia, the Mediterranean coastal regions, Hungary and is cultivated in France.. She did what so many of us do and only looked at the cost. The aroma of Marjoram oil is warm, herbaceous, and woody and helps promote a calming atmosphere. Reading Tisserand and Young's full profile is recommended. And BOY, did I find out! Also known as “wintersweet” or “joy of the mountains,” Marjoram was known to the Greeks and Romans as a symbol of happiness. Note: Middle. When fresh it is a greenish-yellow which turns brown with age. In cookery heidivillegas@healingharvesthomestead.com, Privacy Policy, Affiliate Disclosures, Disclaimers, Legal Stuff: Privacy Policy, Disclaimers, Notices, Disclosures. Learn to make your own handmade, all natural soaps! The smell is very aromatic reminiscent of camphor, thyme and cardamom with a little peppery note. Ointments were made with it to retain the natural colour and lustre of hair and eyebrows. Here is a list of essential oil substitutions to swap out the oil that you need to within the category of your desired benefit. I love rubbing it on my chest (diluted) as one of the ingredients in my homemade vapor rub, too. The School of Salerno classified marjoram as an antispasmodic and a good expectorant, and prescribed it for easing and facilitating labour. Most people don't want or need to suppress or control their sexual desires, however, for a person with extreme urges, it may just be the thing to try! Marjoram is thought to have originated in Asia, but is now grown all over Europe. Not even a whole drop. NEVER add your essential oils to water, as they are not soluble in water. Later, the apothecaries of the eighteenth century classified marjoram as sternutatory (causing sneezes)! Regulates the digestive system. In my personal experience, using Marjoram consistently has definitely helped me with severe PMS symptoms. I use it daily, and I have seen a huge difference in my anxiety levels, stress levels, and my blood pressure is positively affected for an absolute fact. The Ancient Egyptians used it to enhance the flavour of meat and help assimilate the minerals from it, and it is very useful still in marinades, bouquet garnis and stocks. Again: My favorite companies to recommend:   Rocky Mountain Oils, and Plant Therapy. What does marjoram essential oil smell like? essential oils, why put essential oils on the bottoms of your feet, essential oils on feet, are feet good for essential oils, tea tree essential oil, how to use tea tree oil, what are the main essential oils to keep, what are the main essential oils to have, benefits of tea tree oil, where does tea tree oil come from. It's not expensive either---at least not in comparison to other essential oils. I also really like Rocky Mountain Oils as far as quality. It smells great, too. ALWAYS read the labels. Once I started using Marjoram essential oil for this reason, I have felt significantly calmer, and my blood pressure is more normalized. Warm a bottle of almond oil under the hot tap, then mix 1 drop of marjoram oil with 5 ml (1 tsp) warmed almond. Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil Extraction. The smell is very aromatic reminiscent of camphor, thyme and cardamom with a little peppery note. Marjoram is used to season savory stews, dressings, soups and the essential oil can be used in the same way when you don't have the dry or fresh herb on hand. Marjoram is a diuretic, so using it may help increase urination. It’s now a fixture in my aromatherapy daily routine, and I attribute it to helping me manage stress and managing my blood pressure. {"cookieName":"wBounce","isAggressive":false,"isSitewide":true,"hesitation":"","openAnimation":false,"exitAnimation":false,"timer":"","sensitivity":"","cookieExpire":"","cookieDomain":"","autoFire":"","isAnalyticsEnabled":false}. They can also be used to influence a dog’s mood and memory. Although I don't believe in using essential oils internally, even if they are therapeutic, cooking with a quality Marjoram Essential Oil is fine. In the Middle Ages, St Hildegarde warned people not to touch the plant as she considered it a remedy only for leprosy, and that it could initiate other skin disorders. The smell of this oil is fantastic. This sweet marjoram oil probably has the richest sweet-herbaceous bouquet of any oil. ***For these reasons, it should not be used by pregnant women unless recommended by a medical doctor. Starwest also carries medicinal and culinary bulk herbs that are A-Mazing! Diffuse or apply topically in 2-5% dilution. Sweet Marjoram essential oil is steam-distilled from the leaves. For me, oregano is an oil I prefer not to smell like, so in my topical immunity blends I will usually find another oil that I prefer to smell like rosemary or sweet marjoram. This tender bushy perennial herb, about 60cm (24 in) high, has a hairy stem, dark green oval leaves and small white or pink flowers. For insomnia, drink a tisane made from a pinch each of dried marjoram and dried lime flowers, half an hour before going to bed. Although it smells vastly different from more floral essential oils which promote relaxation, Plant Origins Marjoram Essential Oil carries the same attributes of lavender and geranium, encouraging relaxation and helping to provide the perfect environment for a good night’s sleep. Source. Our particular variety is a bit sweeter and more pleasant than others we've tried. NOTE: This article is all about the surprising benefits and uses of marjoram essential oil. You might also enjoy these related articles: P.S. (Oregano is more pungent than both.) I am not, and have never had a problem using it directly on my skin...but you should check this first. Robert Tisserand, Rodney Young PhD, in Essential Oil Safety (Second Edition), 2014. The inhalation of marjoram essential oil actually has been shown to calm the nervous system and, in turn, positively impact your cardiovascular system by improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure. Leave overnight and repeat in the morning if the pain has not gone. Another effective massage oil for the same symptoms consists of 10 ml (2 tsp) soya oil, 2 drops wheatgerm, 4 drops nutmeg, 3 drops rosemary and 8 drops marjoram. The one time I tried using just ONE drop---It was just WAY too much spice. I don’t recommend using essential oils internally, unless you’re under the care of a clinical aromatherapist who has training. My aromatic community, The Confident Oily Crew. Replace Marjoram essential oil in your next recipe that calls for dried Marjoram. And isn't that the way with essential oils or herbs when your first begin to know a plant? Although I first looked dubiously upon Marjoram Essential Oil, I am now a complete fan! I can seriously feel the calming effect it has. https://theblogstuff.com/best-smelling-essential-oils-for-home Suggested Popular Uses of Marjoram Essential Oil. In the presence of flatulence, abdominal pain, cramping or constipation, marjoram essential oil may be the solution. Sweet marjoram essential oil is made primarily from the leaves and flowering parts of the plant, making it perfect for the process of steam distillation. I mix it with two other oils for pain management, and find it to be very effective. I mix it with two other oils for pain management, and find it to be very effective. Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil (Origanum majorana) is also commonly known as Knotted Marjoram and Pot Marjoram. If you haven’t any oil, make a strong decoction of leaves and flowers and use as a mouth rinse. Source. The thing to do is to literally use a TEENY, TINY amount. You can also use it "neat" (without dilution) if you are not sensitive to it. Marigold/Tagetes. Essential oils are extremely strong and should be used with caution. The oil is also similar to sweet marjoram oil, but the former has a distinctively lighter smell and color. Marjoram Essential Oil has these properties: anti-spasmodic, analgesic, anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anaphrodisiac,  carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, and nervine. In some Middle Eastern countries, marjoram is used the same ways as oregano. To the Greeks it was ‘amarakos’, a symbol of love and honour, and young married couples would be crowned with flowers. The scent of the essential oil can be described as warm, spicy and camphoraceous with woody, herbaceous undertones; varying according to where the oil is produced. Share on Pinterest. If you are using on a child, you should definitely dilute it. Always test for skin sensitivity prior to … Marjoram can also be used topically and aromatically for its calming properties. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. MARJORAM ESSENTIAL OIL: Known as a symbol of happiness, marjoram essential oil smells warm, herbaceous, and woody, with a hint of floral note. Marjoram, also known as sweet marjoram, is an aromatic herb in the mint family that has been grown in the Mediterranean, North Africa, and Western Asia for thousands of years . 14. Using Marjoram essential oil diluted with a carrier oil on wounds or skin infections helps you heal more quickly! Guess what? Rating: 5. Since it's an emmenagogue, it helps bring on menstruation if needed, and it also helps with milk flow for nursing mothers. Marjoram essential oil contains a wide range of phytochemicals, nutrients and vitamins that are essential to making it an effective medicinal treatment. Marjoram essential oil blends well with Bergamot, Cypress, Lavender, and Wild Orange. I seriously did not know what to do with it! Marjoram oil is a stomachic, expectorant, and sedative, good for treating insomnia, migraines, dysmenorrhoea and diarrhoea. Towards the end of the cooking time, add it to stews, meat dishes, stuffing’s for meat or vegetables, omelettes, to cooked vegetable dishes (it will help the digestion of vegetables like cabbage or beans), and salad. It was a very popular herb amongst the Greeks and widely used in medicine and perfumes. Please see your medical professional if you have concerns. In the seventeenth century, a famous Danish physician called Fabricius received 200 gold ecus for curing the soldier Wallenstein of a cold and rheumatic pains. A night’s sleep can be promoted by diffusing before going to the bed or placing the cotton ball by adding the marjoram essential oil near the pillow. It has a sweet, woodsy, piney scent that is mostly medicinal and camphorous. Organic Marjoram Essential Oil (100% Pure - USDA Certified Organic) Best Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil - 10ml. Valerian. The essential oil is an amber colored liquid with a warm, woody, spicy and mildly camphoraceous aroma. It's also good for relieving headaches caused by tension and stress. It is extracted through distillation of fresh and dried leaves of the marjoram plant and has been used for centuries to … Used once as a strewing herb, the dried leaves and flowers can be used in pot-pourris, or in scented and sedative herb pillows. It's really a pretty amazing herb! Sweet Marjoram is a type of herb, in which its flowering tops and leaves are collected for the making of the oil. The Romans and Greeks said it best, describing marjoram as the “herb of happiness” and “joy of the mountains.” Overview Information Marjoram is an herb. Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil (Origanum majorana) is also commonly known as Knotted Marjoram and Pot Marjoram. It's a very close relative to Oregano, and although its scent is similar, it's much less pungent and far more pleasant. After letting that bottle of Marjoram EO sit for a couple of weeks (because isn't that just a kind of cooking spice? I LOVE this stuff! Dip a small piece of cotton wool in this and insert inside the affected ear. It grows in abundance in Tunisia – where it is known as khezama, the Arab name for lavender – carpeting the fields between almond and olive trees. So we’ve talked about the plant, now let’s get into how the oil is extracted. Marjoram essential oil is an efficient antiseptic, which makes it ideal for treating internal … Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil Background Information. Marjoram is recommended for hyperactivity, chronic anxiety and h… The accompaniment to Danièle's bestselling Aromatherapy Bible, learn practical uses for common essential oils and natural, everyday store cupboard items to boost your family's health and wellbeing. Powerful anti-parasitic. People make medicine from the flowers, leaves, and oil. A poultice of marjoram applied externally helped jaundice and other liver afflictions. Please, also see our How to Use Essential Oils Safely page for more information. ... Marjoram, Sweet (Origanum marjorana) Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) It's also very good for breaking up congestionand easing breathing. The heart and entire cardiovascular system benefits from Marjoram! Depending on your uses for this oil, substitutes may include: Oregano, Lemongrass, and Rosemary. Marjoram. Then you know how it works on the body and how it specifically works for YOU. Marjoram Essential Oil Marjoram essential oil is not as well known as other essential oils, but that does not make it less effective, it’s still a great essential oil for snoring. There are three major varieties: sweet or knotted marjoram (Origanum majorana), pot marjoram (0. onites), and wild marjoram (0. vulgare) or oregano; marjoram and oregano have been confused throughout history. RELIABLE QUALITY: All ESSLUX Essential Oils are carefully made from premium ingredients sourced around the world. There are several ways in which marjoram can be used. Spanish marjoram oil derives its name from the region in which it originated, Spain. Add it to a hot bath at the first sign of a cold. Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil Packaged. It’s a great time to join because the price will NEVER be less than it is right now! You can search this perfume note in combination with other notes if you use Search by notes. Tamper proof safety seal. Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil has a medium-strength herbaceous, warm, spicy aroma presenting a middle fragrance note. Part of plant used: Leaves, flower tops. Marjoram is a sweet, warming essential oil, and is great for soothing away aches and soreness. And buy from a reputable company. Marjoram For Headache Pain Relief: Marjoram is very useful for easing the inflammation and can be … Most marjoram essential oil is produced through steam distillation [4]. In this post, you will find a complete list of essential oils and for each oil, a list of potential substitutes for that oil based on aroma and therapeutic actions. A quality oil may cost a little more, but you can be sure it will work. If you love Amazon, you can find Plant Therapy there, too. Source. Marjoram features in many Tunisian, Italian, Portuguese and Provencale dishes, and is one of the most important culinary herbs. I know some people believe it is fine to ingest certain essential oils, but I am not one of those folks. That’s because many of the benefits that this particular essential oil provides have to do with the nervous system and the muscles of the body. (Posted on 6/9/2018) the happiest of marjorams Review by J. I was expecting NDA (New Directions Aromatics) marjoram essential oil to smell weaker than doterra's. Marjoram is a safe herb. Komaitis et al. Sweet Marjoram. Always measure out doses very carefully, and I advise that it never be used on young or sensitive people or children without proper prescription. We chose to use 100 proof white rum because it delivers the purest essential oil scents while also preserving the recipe for many months. Antiseptic. It’s truly amazing what this aromatic oil can do for you! Since it has antimicrobial qualities, it helps purify your environment too. Trust me on this. By popular demand, Danièle Ryman has launched her 'expert series for wellbeing' eBooks, the first of which accompanies her bestselling Aromatherapy Bible. In modern applications, Marjoram is valued for its calming properties and its positive benefits whe… Top Rated Marjoram Essential Oil Use herbs, clays, and other natural colors and textures to make beautiful homemade soap you can be proud of! Marjoram, however, is not as "hot" as Oregano, and I feel it is more broadly useful for health. Acute toxicity: Sweet marjoram oil acute oral LD 50 in rats 2.24 g/kg; acute dermal LD 50 in rabbits > 5 g/kg (Opdyke 1976 p. 469). In the 16 century, it was strewn on th… Origin of marjoram oil This tender bushy perennial herb, about 60cm (24 in) high, has a hairy stem, dark green oval leaves and small white or pink flowers. I have a pretty strong dislike for lavender so I really enjoy this sweet, mildly terpenic scent. 'S essential oils, and sauces 's full profile is recommended on EARTH can get! Botanical name Thymus mastichina and qualities for health plant cousin of oregano love this essential oil… was... How the body and also is one of the most talked about the surprising and... Safety ( Second Edition ), 2014 upon marjoram essential oil to the Mountain! You are using on a child, you can fall right to sleep just too... Diluting 1-2 drops which helps to remove toxins from the flowering heads of!, white or mauve flowers open from June to September infections and.... 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