True, we may compare doctrines to bones, but they are like the bones in your body, and they need not be dry. Horton, D. D.The text itself consists of two general parts, a negative and an affirmative. Selfishness — the looking to ourselves, keeping always in view what we think is for our own personal interest or advantage — is one of the surest signs of a worldly and unbelieving mind. And there is one fruit which from its nature is least of all seen or talked about, which yet is both the commonest and the best that friendship can yield — prayer for one another. Still, however nimble the pen of a ready writer may be, it cannot utter a thousandth part of the overflowings of the tongue. Clarkson, B. A.I. Character is built on the great principles of the gospel, and our whole energy is required to complete it.2. May it not be possible to identify yourself with an evil man as well as with a good, so that, though you may not yourself actually commit the evil man's deeds, yet you shall be reckoned with as though you had done the deeds? 12.Christian intercourseEssex Congregational Remembrancer.I. Have I striven up to the measure of the ability conferred on me by God to promote the diffusion of sound principles, and to subdue the aboundings of iniquity? The man who hangs back, permitting his convictions to become indefinite, and his sense of duty to die down into silent weakness, must in reason hold himself responsible for so much of the evil in the world as is done, because he provides the opportunity, or at least removes the hindrance. When the heart is won for Christ the whole life will follow. The warning is against needless progress, a progress that is suicidal and unworthy the name, the impulsiveness and the haste that ignore all the restraints of reason. "Eighty and six years," said the old man, "have I served Him, and He hath done me no wrong. Suppose, then, that we flee from active life and bury these powers in solitude, we shall still be chargeable with all the evil which might have been counteracted, had we stood to our posts and made use of our talents. There is danger within as well as without.II. Another fundamental truth of Christianity is the ATONEMENT. There John expected to witness Christian order and decorum, reciprocal proofs of affection, and lovely demeanour. Of the serious mistakes, in matters of opinion and in matters of practice, to which this over-eagerness leads, the disposition that sweeps onwards under the dominancy of a single idea, and consents neither to look back upon the point from which it started, nor to glance around at the facts with which relations should be maintained, there are instances enough. This is a great mystery which we cannot comprehend or explain. 2 John 9 Ver. First, I say, the heedlessness of people frustrates the labours of their ministers; it makes them lose the things which they have wrought. Davies, M. A.1. If that be taken in connection with the preceding verse, where a man is represented as through half-heartedness, losing whatever he has gained, the unexpected but important lesson is obtained, that "to advance over-eagerly and to hang back are alike violations of duty."I. John Hagee (December-11-2020) Daily Devotion: 2 John 1:3 - Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. There are divers ways of losing in other things, as well as this, which accordingly are now to be avoided by you. By Richard Niell Donovan. Ministers, when people miscarry under their hands, they will miss of this, though not of their glory. There is no such thing as independence: all are needful, all are useful. But this opens before us a great and solemn subject of discourse One is disposed at first to hope that it may be merely through some metaphysical subtlety that human beings are represented as so interwoven with each other, that the same actions may be charged on a variety of agents: but metaphysical subtlety there is absolutely none; the apostle speaks of our partaking in other men's evil deeds with the same plainness which he would use if speaking of our obeying any one of the Ten Commandments. The cause of our justification before God is not in our own goodness, but if grace does not infuse its goodness into us, we are not Christians.III. Begin at once to "look to yourselves" — to look to your souls.(T. Here is the misery of all unregenerate persons; these come under this censure likewise, who though they should hold this doctrine in judgment, yet deny it in affection and practice; forasmuch as they do not submit to the power and efficacy of it. M. Gibbon.The man who comes to undermine men's faith in Christ is on an evil errand. Gehazi was another man who believed in looking after his own interest. "Whosoever goeth onward" (at too great a rate, it means, or impelled by a hot fancy that has broken away from every restraint) "hath not God." Let us avoid those connections which would lead to the adoption of erroneous principles. Men may take pains in a thing of nought. Note how beautifully this venerable and ripened servant of God, who stood prominent among the twelve, and who was now, we have every reason to suppose, a hoary-headed soldier in the army of Christ; look how he, with all humility, brings in himself; how he slips out of the address to others into an address that includes himself. The doctrine of or concerning Christ, then, here referred to, is the whole body of truth made known to us by Christ and His apostles concerning Him. "(3) Take the most vigorous measures against spiritual loss.(W. Thirdly, add also hereunto the grievousness of the miscarriage. Selfishness and exclusiveness are as unchristian as they are unamiable.II. He offered for us a real and all-sufficient atonement when He offered up Himself. Everything else, however valuable in connection with this, will be found vain without it. There is no such way for us to remember any doctrine as to draw it forth into exercise, which is the truest memory of all. Our Price: $23.99. There is also a looking to ourselves in carnal confidence — putting confidence in our own goodness. Foster. We know too well there may be a scriptural creed without real piety; but it does not appear how there can be the latter where faith in the gospel is entirely wanting. To this question we give(l) The answer of a very sensible philosophy. They are accommodating, because it has no backbone. The rich farmer held the same doctrine about self-care. But on all points of natural endowment the apostle is silent. Any fellow may knock about the babe in the cradle, but he would not lift up his hand against its father. An artificial flower may strikingly resemble a natural one, but a nearer inspection will detect the difference. )Abide in the doctrine of ChristT. By "doctrine" here we are not to understand what that term commonly means as used in the present day, viz., a dogmatic or speculative affirmation of truth. The ideal Christian life, according to this old apostle, is one in which the progress of the fancy in regard to religious truth or duty is restrained by the reins of a sanctified reason, in which all backwardness is for ever prevented by thorough religious earnestness. Sacred memories cluster around them. There is many a jewel which is lost thus for want of due and proportionable care in him that has it. The sum of all is this, that he that hath not both, hath neither; and he that hath one, hath both. There is no such way for us to remember any doctrine as to draw it forth into exercise, which is the truest memory of all. There is little need to warn them off: they are all too alarmed to come near. He would also expect to have an interchange of feeling on the sublimest and most interesting of all subjects, relative to the redemption of the world by the Lord Jesus Christ, and to find in the hearts of all in that family a response to what he felt in his own, in reference to the progress then making or made of the gospel in the world by the instrumentality of his fellow apostles; and thus heart would kindle heart, and Christian, holy fellowship would produce joy with which a stranger to such themes could never intermeddle.2. If the work of the ministry take not there is nothing hereafter to be expected. Look to your selves that ye lose not a good conscience, the favour of God, the affections of His people, the blessings of the gospel, and the eternal salvation of your souls. The grand fundamental fact of Christianity is THE INCARNATION, the assumption by the Second Person of the Trinity of human nature into personal union with the Divine, the manifestation of God in the flesh of man. There is a tendency at times to imagine that such matters are merely a question of temperament; that the vivacious man will be certain to go forward, and the languid man to hang back; and that neither can be held responsible for faults that arise from the peculiarities of their very natures. But he burned well. )The contagion of evil to be avoidedC. He that abides not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. Now further, secondly, take it in the first as it is here in our own textual translation, "That we lose not what we have wrought." Let no false motives of courtesy or toleration lead you to give any assistance or encouragement to such. The second is in regard of judgment. Secondly, there is loss also by force and open violence. Thirdly, take it as to the reward; they are losers of what they have wrought as to this likewise. "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Everywhere, and in all ages, man is seen acting upon the principle that some satisfaction must be rendered to the Divine justice before man can be accepted by God. Amen. We begin with the first, viz., the negative, "Whosoever transgresseth and abideth," etc., which is a censure of all such persons as do withdraw from the doctrine of Christ. Thompson.). Secondly, they lose that expediteness and facility of doing good, or of resisting evil. For the sake of our own souls, and all the souls around us, and for all that are coming to be born into this world, let us be faithful. And how much more does it then concern them to avoid it, and shun it all they can in such things as these are, which are of such weighty importance. There is no such way for us to remember any doctrine as to draw it forth into exercise, which is the truest memory of all. And in the moral world there are those whose religion is of the same sentimental kind. When a man is going upon a dangerous journey, in which he may be very apt to make a false step or a slip — and that slip may cost him his life — you would naturally say to him, "Look to yourself." Let us avoid those connections which would lead to the adoption of erroneous principles.(R. The original word means simply teaching, and it embraces all kinds and matters of teaching — the assertion of facts, the elucidation of beliefs, as well as the affirmation and proof of dogmatic propositions. We will take notice of both. What, then, have we obtained by flight? His work is an "evil work." 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