Susan majored in English with a double minor in Humanities and Business at Arizona State University and earned a Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Liberty University. Whether it be the first date or the 23rd wedding anniversary, you can always use them. One of the most famous Cola companies in the world used to have advertisements featuring a happy, smiling Santa Claus. Kids will take more interest in getting knowledge about Christmas trivia if parents will make a tradition of giving present to children covered in different layers of gift wraps. When does the Russian Orthodox Church celebrate Christmas? Sorry, comments are currently closed. We're happy to help. How will those needs be met? The term “Christmas” does not mean that these questions are relevant only during Christmas periods, it can be referred to at any time. It looks as though you’ve already said that. What is this season about? These are great questions for a family party. The Advent season is still young. Do you donate something (money, clothes...) to charities? Every elf has this ornament on the tip of their shoes. Facebook Twitter Pintrest LinkedIn Mail. This Christmas, add fun to your holiday gathering with Christmas trivia. Unfortunately I can’t fulfil personal requests here because of the Supernatural Secrecy Pact. As each person takes a turn they have to answer the question. Stollen is the traditional fruit cake of which country? According to the song, what is calling Santa? Have you ever gotten stuck working on Christmas? We will enjoy the quizzes and questions when we gather for our special day. Thanks so much! Question: What’s the name of the main villain in The Nightmare Before Christmas? By Jenna Macfarlane. As the main character Scrooge is visited by the ghost of past, present and future he learns a valuable lesson about the meaning of Christmas and the cost of greed. A world of conversation starters. Meet the Full Cast of, Are You Ready for the Super Bowl?! Which Christmas food is it considered good luck to eat one of on each of the 12 days of Christmas? Been looking for a website like this, thank you for sharing these fun games me and my cousins enjoyed playing them, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR HAVE A GREAT TIME. In this post, you find all popular Christmas movie trivia questions and this will improve the knowledge of you about the topics mentioned above. Page; Talk; More. This article is part of the Questions to Ask series. The 12 Christmas Questions 20th December 2013 By Cameron Shepherd. Great educations for the kids. What does Santa say at the end of “A Visit from St. Nicholas” book? What country did the family escape to? Question: What is the name of the last ghost that visits Scrooge in A Christmas Carol?Answer: The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come, Question: Visions of which food danced in children’s heads as they slept in the poem “‘Twas The Night Before Christmas?”Answer: Sugar plums, Question: What gift did the Little Drummer Boy give to the newborn Christ?Answer: He played a song for him on his drums, Question: What is the best-selling Christmas song ever?Answer: “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby, Question: Who wrote, “Christmas doesn’t come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more?”Answer: Dr. Seuss, Question: Three of Santa’s reindeer’s names begin with the letter “D.” What are those names?Answer: Dancer, Dasher, and Donner, Question: What was Frosty the Snowman’s nose made out?Answer: A button, Question: What is the name of George Bailey’s guardian angel in It’s A Wonderful Life?Answer: Clarence Odbody, Question: In the 1964 movie Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, what was the name of Rudolph’s elf friend?Answer: Hermey, Question: What popular Christmas song was actually written for Thanksgiving?Answer: “Jingle Bells”, Question: What was the first company that used Santa Claus in advertising?Answer: Coca-Cola, Question: In “The Christmas Song,” who did the narrator see kissing Santa Claus under the mistletoe?Answer: Mommy, Question: In the movie Elf, how does Buddy get to the North Pole?Answer: He hides in Santa’s sack, Question: Where did there arise such a clatter?Answer: On the lawn, Question: What are Christmas trees also called?Answer: Yule-Tree. Sometimes our difficulty lies in having to chat with people we rarely see or have never met. Sign Up. It is time for Christmas and everything associated with the holiday – gift shopping, great food, and family gatherings. This article is part of the Questions to Ask series. What’s the most stressful part of Christmas for you? Group Size: 5+ Time Needed: Version 1 approx. What is this season about? What are the gifts that the Three Wise Men gave baby Jesus, according to Christmas history? It’s a great way to get entertained by each other’s Christmas stories. December 8, 2010 “Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth” (Revelation 1:5). Who helped Rudolph after he left the North Pole? What Christmas song has the line, “I don’t know if there’ll be snow, but have a cup of cheer?”. What is the true meaning of Christmas? You can set a predetermined number of points necessary for winning the game or simply play until you run out of questions and whoever has the most points wins the game. What dish was served by Mrs. Cratchit in A Christmas Carol? Poor Heather is a sick person and posted this 20 Christmas Questions post and wanted others to do it so she could have a nosy at other people's Christmas traditions. Name the reindeer. How did you find out that Santa wasn't real and how old were you?. As the clock chimes midnight to ring in the New Year, a Spanish tradition involves eating twelve of what – one for each chime? What is the significance of a Yule Log or Bûche de Noël? Greeting to all with the Spirit Of Christmas dwelling within them! Which is the most popular ornament used to place at the top of the Christmas tree? 2. Which song begins with “Joy to the World, the Savior reigns!”? Which hymn’s second verse begins with “Christ by highest heaven adored”? Over the years, we've added to our collections of family Christmas quizzes and the list below the the full archive. We're Breaking Down the Big Game, Play by Play. What do Christians associate with the wreath? How many candles are on an Advent wreath? “The holly that will be on your front door”. According to the Italian tradition, who delivers gifts to good children on the eve of Epiphany? Mincemeat pies are also acceptable. What happens if you stand under mistletoe with someone? Test out your basic trivia knowledge with a Christmas quiz on your favorite Christmas movies, songs, and folklore to see how much you really know about the most magical time of the year. Boxing day, where gifts are given to employees by their bosses. Well, if your looking for survey like questions, you could ask: What's your favorite Christmas carol?. Where in the Bible do we read about the Birth of Jesus? Whatever you do... NEVER ask Siri these Christmas questions! Did you have a real tree or a fake tree when you were little? Celebrity interviews, recipes and health tips delivered to your inbox. Answer: Christmas trivia, of course! 35 Best Christmas Song Trivia Questions & Answers, 126 Car Trivia Questions & Answers (+Facts & Logo Trivia), 68 Fun Art Trivia Questions and Answers (History & Facts), 103 Interesting Space Trivia Questions and Answers, 80 Best Video Game Trivia Questions & Answers, 100 Fun Pop Culture Trivia Questions and Answers. It looks as though you’ve already said that. What reindeer shares a name with the celebrity of Valentine’s Day? In which direction should you stir mincemeat for good luck; clockwise or anti-clockwise? In 1947, Gene Autry recorded a song in which he told listeners to “Hang your stockings and say your prayers ’cause Santa Claus comes tonight. This is excellent material for a family Christmas! Why did Jesus have to come? What's your favorite thing about Christmas?. Which company made the concept of Santa Claus popular worldwide? – These entertaining quiz questions, covering many topics but all related to Christmas, will be a great test of your knowledge of Christmas quiz trivia. 2. Refresh your page, login and try again. What is the name of this song? The caller can either ask a question letting teams or pairs take turns answering or call out a question and let the first person to respond answer. What are they called? It is not too late to start a dialogue with your children. How many turkeys are cooked each Christmas? X is the abbreviation of the Latin word “chi,” which means Christ. You'll learn a lot about Christmas that you didn't know! Which type of tree was the partridge sitting in, according to a well-known Christmas song? How should Christians respond to the War on Christmas? Pursuant to U.S. Want to impress everyone you know with your extensive knowledge of all holiday-related things? What is the name of this special place? Funny Questions To Ask A Guy. 1. At Pub Quiz HQ, we love a Christmas quiz. Three Questions for Christmas. We have taken time to bring out some of the best Christmas trivia questions and answers that might interest you, and also educate you. 1 General; 2 … 4. Share one vivid Christmas memory, good or bad. The printable quiz answers are on a separate answer page! What do you hang above the fireplace for Santa to stuff with goods? Skip to main content; Skip to primary sidebar; Skip to footer; Conversation Starters World . 1. In this post, you find all popular Christmas movie trivia questions and this will improve the knowledge of you about the topics mentioned above. You may work these into normal conversation, but often they work best as part of a Christmas party or formal celebration with your family. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December. Skip to main content; Skip to primary sidebar; Skip to footer; Conversation Starters World . What was the one thing you always wanted for Christmas but never got?. If you are planning a Christmas Bible trivia, and in need of some questions, here’s a list we compiled for you and your family to use. Home A Christmas Carol Q & A Ask a question and get answers from your fellow students and educators. What type of craft house is popular to make and eat for Christmas? Infact, this site began at Christmas 2015 when I was unable to find any suitable quiz questions for a family event online. Funny Christmas Quiz Questions and Answers. What name is given to small sausages wrapped in bacon, a staple at a British Christmas dinner? A 221 feet Douglas Fir put up in the Northgate Shopping Center in Seattle, the year 1950. Copyright law, as well as other applicable federal and state laws, the content on this website may not be reproduced, distributed, displayed, transmitted, cached, or otherwise used, without the prior, express, and written permission of Athlon Media Group. Thank you Mike, you are correct. What are the most common sides for Christmas dinner? How do you say “Merry Christmas” in Spanish? Visions of which sweet foodstuff danced in children’s heads as they slept, according to Clement Clarke Moore’s poem “‘Twas the Night before Christmas”? Which country has a tradition of a witch dropping gifts for children through the chimney at Christmas? I am sure you will have some enjoyable time by asking these questions with your loving people. Answer: Christmas trivia, of course! Christmas conversation questions. How does Santa keep track of all the fireplaces he’s visited? Thanks. If the log goes out before the morning, it is believed you will face bad luck in the new year. Best for smaller groups and/or tables. View Answers Here. We found a list of some of the funniest holiday themed questions to ask Siri on iPhone! Who helps Santa Claus in making his gifts? What happens when you stick your wet tongue to a frozen pole, like in A Christmas Story? Red and green are the two colors most associated with Christmas. Over Thanksgiving our new grandson Knox came for a visit. Over Thanksgiving our new grandson Knox came for a visit. Whoops! I’ve compiled 30 questions to ask around the Christmas dinner table. 1. Who directed the famous Christmas film 3 Godfathers? Try these these questions at your next Christmas party for an even more merry and bright occasion! He seems to know where all the naughty girls live. Icebreaker questions are a great way to revive drooping conversation or get people mixing and mingling. December 8, 2010 “Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth” (Revelation 1:5). Should Christians celebrate Christmas? If you have a small group and people are playing individually, you can give each person a question in turn. Conversation starters. When was Christmas declared as a federal holiday in the United States? Using them with my high school students for a trivia game on our last day before the holidays! Which popular Christmas carol also moonlights as a lullaby? What is a ‘Bûche de Noël’, commonly eaten in France at Christmas? Bonus points for when. Make your festivities more fun with a game of Christmas trivia questions and answers or use our trivia lists for a Christmas trivia quiz. In 1948, what song was released by Spike Jones and the City Slickers? You are posting comments too quickly. He seems to know where all the naughty girls live. What Roman holiday-inspired Christmas celebrations? When you plan a trivia game, it is fun to play in teams, because what one team member does not know, another one may. This includes requests to visit North Pole City, having me visit you, personally contact […] If you could travel anywhere for Christmas, where would you go? So, instead, he established the U. S. Forest Service to protect nature. Which was the last state in the United States that declared Christmas a legal holiday? He keeps a log book. The easiest way to play is to divide your group into pairs or teams of three or more players. Two of the reindeers are named after weather phenomenon. 10 minutes; Version 2 approx. After leaving Bethlehem, to which country did Joseph, Mary, and Jesus travel? “All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth”, Feast of Stephen (St. Stephen’s Day/26th December in UK), 182 Christmas Trivia Questions & Answers [2020], Games + Carols, Christmas Party Games and Icebreakers for Adults, 110 Best Christmas Riddles (For Adults & Kids), 54 Fun Christmas Movie Trivia Questions & Answers, 201 Best Movie Trivia Questions & Answers. Which Christmas hymn’s second verse begins with “For Christ is born of Mary”? When did Coca-Cola start featuring Santa in their ads? Do they try to be better? Have one person designated to call out questions. Thought-provoking questions to ask during Christmas dinner. Ad Choices. Should we have a Christmas … Many of us struggle to make conversation at Christmas gatherings, whether church events, work-related parties, neighborhood drop-ins, or annual family occasions. In the carol, “Jingle Bells,” what kind of a sleigh is mentioned? You might ask a couple questions to the group and ask everyone to answer one Thanks for signing up! Your account was created. Easy Santa Claus and Christmas Trivia Quiz for families, children and kids at heart. What color was the Christmas that Elvis “The King” Presley had? The Question and Answer sections of our study guides are a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss literature. What did the Kremlin send MI6 in their Christmas hamper? Why couldn’t Ralphie have a bb gun in A Christmas Story? These are the best questions to ask when playing Christmas trivia with your family this holiday season. New Ask Random Sign Up Donate. President Teddy D. Roosevelt. I feel like more of an expert on this subject than I was a year ago. If yes and you love both of these then this post is for you, because in this post you are going to read or find a Christmas movie trivia questions. No Brussels. Should you believe us when we say that once upon a time, Christmas celebrations were banned in England? They really make you stop and think, even though we’ve had our family traditions for many years>, We enjoy the question and I THINK I known some things, Contact Us /  Privacy Policy /  About Us /  IcebreakerIdeas © 2021, Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come. - includes questions aboutSanta's reindeer, women in pantomime, Queen Victoria and a scary Christmas movie. In Greek writing, Christ is written as an X (chi) with a P over the top (meaning rho) ☧. A Christmas Carol is a famous Christmas novella by Charles Dickens, one of the greatest authors in Victorian literature.While Dickens is usually known for his longer work this novella has remained popular since its publication. What President established Christmas as a national holiday? Check out 101 Trivia Questions for Kids, Movie Trivia and The Office Trivia. What's your most memorable Christmas and why?. 513-816-1834 Order Tracking Email Us. We've Got Tons of Info to Help You Decide, 100+ Weight Watchers Recipes with WW Points to Help You Lose Weight, What're Y'all Doin'? Did you believe in Santa Claus when you were a child? What is the main course for a traditional Christmas dinner? True or False: The first Christmas tree appeared in the United States. Write the questions all over the surface of a beach ball or inflatable Christmas decoration – like a candy cane or ornament. Uh-oh! Cake symbolized the log you should burn on Christmas Eve. 20 minutes – depending on group size. Why is Mrs Claus always checking Santa’s phone? How many days do we have between Christmas and the Epiphany? Wrapping paper and gift bags? What Christmas foods would you like me to make for you or you to make for me? Where did gingerbread houses start? What song talks about multiple days of the Christmas celebration? Which Christmas hymn’s second verse begins with “Born a king on Bethlehem’s plain”? Company Info. 10 Holiday Questions to Ask Siri This Christmas. He places his finger on the side of his nose, gives a smile and a nod. The best part is, most of these questions are related to the birth of Jesus, making it the perfect Christmas Bible trivia to use! Christmas is a busy time where we celebrate coming together as a family. Is Christmas a pagan holiday? Bonus points for when it started. Which country was the first to use the tradition of Christmas trees? How is it that I am supposed to live? Your use of this website constitutes and manifests your acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy, Cookie Notification, and awareness of the California Privacy Rights. Thanks for compiling these. What fairy tale inspired gingerbread houses? Where is the world’s largest nativity scene? How does Santa Claus go back up the chimney to continue his journey of delivering gifts? Which President objected to a Christmas tree in the White House? Participants choose between the two questions their hands land on when they catch the ball. In what decade was the first Christmas Card sent in the UK? Jimmy Boyd was 12 years old in 1952 when he scored a hit with a song about something that happened under the mistletoe. Being the kindly soul that I am (and due to my all encompassing aversion to doing actual work in the run up to Christmas) I have decided to oblige her. Christmas memories frequently are choreographed with remembered music. Robert L. May created Rudolph in 1939, when he wrote a Christmas-themed story-poem to attract customers in his department store. What made Frosty come to life in the movie “Frosty the Snowman?”. If yes and you love both of these then this post is for you, because in this post you are going to read or find a Christmas movie trivia questions. Christmas Conversation Starters Use these questions to talk to your family and friends about Christmas and what it means. Thought-provoking questions to ask during Christmas dinner. Similar to tinsel, these long strips of shiny foil are used to decorate a Christmas tree. Use our Trivia Questions and Answers to play a trivia game. Whether you have an iPhone, iPod or iPad, Siri can provide a constant source of funny answers to your questions and commands. The color white symbolizes the purity of Jesus, and the color red symbolizes the blood that Jesus shed for us. Which Christmas song’s second verse begins with “The cattle are lowing”? To remind of the gifts the shepherds brought to baby Christ. When was Christmas celebrated initially by Christians in the East? 6: How many times does Santa say “Ho”? well done a great selection of questions.will be most useful over Christmas. What is the color of the berries of the plant? Refresh your page, login and try again. Some are easy, some are hard, but they’re all fun Christmas trivia! Which ornament has the most significance to you? Where Does Santa Live? 20 Questions to Ask This Holiday Season How to foster more connection at the dinner table . 3. Sorry, comments are currently closed. Merry Christmas! It can be used for a bible quiz also. In 1946, Nat King Cole recorded a hit with a song about “chestnuts roasting over an open fire.” What is the name of this song? These are the toughest Christmas adverts quiz questions to ask family and friends over Zoom. Blitzen, Comet, Cupid, Dasher, Prancer, Vixen, Dancer, and Donner, Donner, which means thunder in German, and Blitzen, which means lightning, NORAD – North American Aerospace Defense Command. They love playing Christmas trivia. Merry Christmas and God bless. 3. On which ‘feast’ did Good King Wenceslas step out, according to the well-known hymn. When was the first Christmas card sent? I feel like more of an expert on this subject than I was a year ago. In “O little town of Bethlehem” where do the silent stars go by? What is the first name of Scrooge, the principal character of the novel. That doesn’t mean, however, that it’s not a great opportunity to connect with each other. Go to another, random topic; Contents. In the song “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” underneath the mistletoe, where did mommy tickle Santa Claus? Susan has been freelance writing for over ten years, during which time she has written and edited books, newspaper articles, biographies, book reviews, guidelines, neighborhood descriptions for realtors, Power Point presentations, resumes, and numerous other projects. Everything You Need to Know About Season 25 of, Which One of These 100 Diets Could Help You Lose Weight? Should Christians celebrate Christmas? Thank you. The questions are always needed. Questions to Spark Meaningful Conversation. A world of conversation starters. What toy has magical powers that go on a new adventure every night after the kids go to sleep? What is the French name for Santa Claus? Who was the first President to have a tree in the White House? 1. As the main character Scrooge is visited by the ghost of past, present and future he learns a valuable lesson about the meaning of Christmas and the cost of greed. Grandma, on the way home from our house Christmas Eve. Do people behave differently during Christmas? What Christmas tradition started with decorations made of strands of silver? Pocket-lint. I have listed these below and I’ve placed the questions in a convenient printable. Top of Page. Updated Friday, 4th December 2020, 5:00 pm. What are these snacks? What political cartoonist created Santa’s look? Approximately how many turkeys were purchased at Christmas 2013 in the UK; 1 million, 10 million, or 20 million? Funny Christmas Quiz Questions and Answers. In the song “The Little Drummer Boy” kept time. There have been so many brilliant Christmas adverts released this year that it’s hard to pick a favourite. don't rely on the various movie depictions fo this classic story to answer these questions. Whether you want to break the ice or just have share a laugh! Please check your email to confirm your subscription. She taught grades four through twelve in both public and private schools. 7: What is the most popular color of stocking hung each Christmas? Christmas Movie Trivia Questions . What’s your favorite – or least favorite – Christmas song? A swede is a cross between which two vegetables? 5. The tradition started in 1955. He felt it was wrong to cut down trees for decorations. The Question and Answer sections of our study guides are a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss literature. Empty comment. (Plus, Tips From Co-Founder Dr. A), Ginger Honey Tea Is the Sore Throat Relief You’ve Been Looking For, Best Christmas Movies on Netflix Right Now, Matt James' Journey for Love Has Begun! Slow down. A Christmas Carol is a famous Christmas novella by Charles Dickens, one of the greatest authors in Victorian literature.While Dickens is usually known for his longer work this novella has remained popular since its publication. 1. Who directed the famous Christmas film 3 Godfathers? What would you be drinking if you had ‘Glühwein’? - includes questions aboutSanta's reindeer, women in pantomime, Queen Victoria and a scary Christmas movie. Who am I and what is my life about? In the animated TV special, “Twas the Night before Christmas”, the townsfolk create a song to attract Santa back. Instructions: Choose one version of the game below to play. What is the name of the song was recorded by Vaughn Monroe in 1945 that opens with the lines“Oh the weather outside is frightful,But the fire is so delightful,And since we’ve no place to go. Home > Content Index > Miscellaneous > Questions about Christmas Questions about Christmas. Why is Mrs Claus always checking Santa’s phone? Would you rather have a Christmas lunch or Christmas dinner? Who played George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life? The first Christmas card was sent in 1843 and was designed by John Horsley. Which American President banned Christmas trees in the White House? Do some Christmas traditions have pagan origins? I used them for school party! Do some Christmas traditions have pagan origins? Who got ran over by a reindeer? You may work these into normal conversation, but often they work best as part of a Christmas party or formal celebration with your family. Signup & Save. Yule log (cake/chocolate log or similar acceptable), Green Bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and gravy, baked ham. Which Christmas hymn’s second verse begins with “O sing, choirs of angels”? Manage your GDPR consents by clicking here. Who tries to stop Christmas from coming, by stealing all things of Christmas from “the Who’s”? Friday, 4th December 2020, 4:38 pm. 4. What movie? Lots of fun! The Advent season is still young. To begin, kids just need to select from the Christmas quiz rounds where they'll discover fun questions to test their Xmas knowledge. Christmas Quiz Questions by questionsgems. Which was the last US state to declare an official holiday for Christmas? thank you for sharing these fun games my family has enjoyed them for several years and we like having something to do as a family after we have opened all the gifts I buy several extra for the ones who can answer the most questions. What song does Lucy ask Schroeder to play on his piano in “A Charlie Brown Christmas”? Name the company. Where? Who created Rudolph, the most popular reindeer of Santa Claus? Sign up for our emails to join our exclusive rewards program. Do you prefer real tree or fake? What are they?Answer: Stink, stank, stunk, Question: In which modern-day country was St. Nicholas born in?Answer: Turkey (originally Patara, a city in the ancient district of Lycia, in Asia Minor), Question: In the movie It’s A Wonderful Life, what happened every time a bell rang?Answer: An angel got his wings, Question: What words follow “Silent Night” in the song?Answer: Holy night, Question: Which Hollywood actor played six different roles in The Polar Express?Answer: Tom Hanks, Question: In Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, what was the first name of Scrooge?Answer: Ebenezer, Question: Which country did eggnog come from?Answer: England, Question: Which real-life person is Santa Claus based on?Answer: The Christian bishop St. Nicholas, Question: What did Frosty The Snowman do when a magic hat was placed on his head?Answer: He began to dance around, Question: What is Ralphie’s little brother’s name in the movie A Christmas Story?Answer: Randy, Question: Which Christmas song contains the lyric “Everyone dancing merrily in the new old-fashioned way?”Answer: “Rocking Around The Christmas Tree”, Question: What are you supposed to do when you find yourself under the mistletoe?Answer: Kiss, Question: Which one of Santa’s reindeer has the same name as another holiday mascot?Answer: Cupid, Related: Best Christmas Movies on Netflix Right Now, Question: Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?Answer: Germany, Question: In the song “Winter Wonderland,” what do we call the snowman?Answer: Parson Brown, Question: In the movie Elf, what was the first rule of The Code of Elves?Answer: Treat every day like Christmas, Question: What’s the name of the main villain in The Nightmare Before Christmas?Answer: Oogie Boogie, Question: According to the song, what did my true love give to me on the eighth day of Christmas?Answer: Eight maids a milking, Question: What was the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time?Answer: Home Alone, Question: Whose eyes are all aglow in “The Christmas Song?”Answer: Tiny tots, Question: What was the real name of the character Tim Allen plays in The Santa Clause?Answer: Scott Calvin, Question: How many gifts in total were given in “The Twelve Days of Christmas” song?Answer: 364, Question: Which fairy tale was the first gingerbread houses inspired by?Answer: Hansel and Gretel, Question: In the movie A Christmas Story, what was the name of the neighbors whose dog ate the Christmas turkey?Answer: The Bumpuses, Question: How do you say “Merry Christmas” in Spanish?Answer: Feliz Navidad. 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