Microphone Input The SWP123 includes a high quality microphone preamplifier and features an XLR connector for easy connection to low impedance, balanced microphones. 6 Main Reasons to Use Online Sentence Corrector He knew there was a connection between Ashley and Jonny. He was already topping Jonathan Winston's list by even suggesting a connection between Byrne and the money. Language - Language - Meaning and style in language: The whole object and purpose of language is to be meaningful. Can you find a filial connection on line? She shivered at the odd connection, the heat and warmth. I hope someday you'll join us. Make connection to the outer positive and negative posts, treating the two six volts as one big twelve volt unit. Choose Create a dial-up connection for the selected service. Vampire blood would not provide nutrition, though feeding on Sarah created the intimate connection that they both needed now. In connected speech, words or syllables are clipped, phrases are run together, and words are … The distress inevitable in connection with such an industrial revolution was increased by the immense burden of the war and by the high protective policy of the parliament, which restricted trade and deliberately increased the price of food in the interests of the agricultural classes. Young in connection with the kinetic theory of the tides, where the same point arises. The thinking flux also establishes a connection among spatially discontinuous elements. The settlement in East Africa menaced the old-established British influence over Zanzibar, which was all the more serious because of the close connection between Zanzibar and the rulers of the Persian Gulf; and Australia saw with much concern the German settlement in New Guinea, especially as a British Protectorate (which in the view of Australians should have included the whole of what Germany was allowed to take) had previously been established in the island. surprise. Uh, yeah, this guy has a connection to you. ariseputes arising in connection with this legal notice shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. As in former times the effect of the connection of Germany with Italy was altogether mischievous, because to expedite his Italian journey the king had added to the great privileges of the princes and had repressed the energies of the towns. underwriters in connection with reinsurance claims by various P&I Clubs. They had dined at an expensive restaurant, at Fred's booking and in his company, when the only connection between them was Detective Dean investigating her husband's disappearance. The effect of the link is to maintain the distance between the axes of those pins invariable; hence the common perpendicular of the axes of the pins is the line of connection, and its extremities may be called the connected points. The definition of connection is that something is linked with another or associated with another or that there is a relationship between two or more things. inextricable connection between past and present. The general principle stated above in different forms serves to solve every problem in whichthe mode of connection of a pair of pieces being givenit is required to find their comparative motion at a given instant, or vice versa. Then the equal components, along the line of connection, of the velocities of the points where those perpendiculars meet that line are airi cos 0i = afri cos Oi; consequently, the comparative motion of the pieces is given by the equation ai_rieos0i ~I. She willed herself there, concentrating hard to keep from losing the connection. Y – yet. Connection sentence examples. The act of connecting. The second difficulty arises later and is due to the connection of Germany with the Empire. He was reminded of the uncanny connection he felt upon their meeting in the forest. The intimate connection, combined with her soft skin and nectar, would calm him. There are some ADSL modems that actually allow the end-user to tweak the connection, by setting a higher target noise margin. 87. If the sentence is missing either or even both of these then it is a fragment. During my time in Alpha Connection I also became a peripatetic drum teacher at Horndean Community School. This could then be a very low-cost connection, with an additional cost for Internet connection. To the Irish people it was the first breach of faith in connection with the Union, J~esigna. The connection with the Mississippi is through the drainage-canal of Chicago, and thence into branches of the Mississippi affording as yet even less water than the Atlantic outlet. Grammatically speaking, both sentences stay simple, but the relationship between them is the same as in a compound sentence. Date: 27 September 2005 Five arrests -- Yoxall grave desecration Five people were arrested this morning in connection with the Yoxall grave desecration. The usual figures are goats sand hippopotami; always having the body covered with cross lines to express the connection of the outlines (Plate I. for Nile traffic, and a starfish among the motives on such pottery also points to the sea connection. gangway at unit ends, but the corridor connection is hidden behind doors. I couldn’t agree more. ', 'Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. There was a click as Mansr closed the connection. The connections of its stele witl that of the parent axis are made across the pericycle of the latter Its cortex is never in connection with the cortex of the parent, but with its pericycle. Whether you are looking for a wired or wireless internet connection, we can help. It is placed between the two sentences in order to provide them with more context, allowing the paragraph to proceed in a logical fashion. CHRISTIAN CONNECTION, a denomination of Christians in North America formed by secession, under James O'Kelly (1735-1826), of members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in North Carolina in 1793. It is highly probable that starch is only produced as the result of the activity of chromatophores, either in connection with chromoplasts, chloroplasts or leucoplasts. Sentence connector definition: a word or phrase that introduces a clause or sentence and serves as a transition between... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples As this was the only connection we had to make we decided to run it to make it seem more exciting. CPS: An intermittent crank position sensor; a wire that's pulling apart inside the insulation and engine torque is breaking the connection. How, or by what means, he was connected with the great event foretold in the Apocalypse he did not know, but he did not doubt that connection for a moment. The jeweler stated the large diamond was bona fide and valuable. link noun. If a con- figuration file is supplied but none of its entries matches the connec- tion request then the connection is by default denied. Connect in a sentence up(0) down(6) Sentence count:179+17 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2016-12-13. The arrangement is, however, modified by taking the mode of connection as the basis of the primary classification, and by removing the subject of connection by reduplication to the section of aggregate combinations. A connection or relation between things - thesaurus. Application to a Shifting Piece and a Turning Piece.Let a shifting piece be connected with a turning piece, and at a given instant let ai be the angular velocity of the turning piece, r~ the common perpendicular of its axis of rotation and the line of connection, Oi the angle made by the line of connection with the plane of rotation, Oi the angle made by the line of connection with the direction of motion 01 the shifting piece, v2 the linear velocity -of that piece. (3) The connection between cause and effect has no beginning and can have no end. At the point of contact of the screws their threads must be parallel; and their line of connection is the common nerpendicular to the acting surfaces of the threads at their point 0f contact. They have been already noticed in connection with the rivers by which they are formed, but may be again enumerated in order of succession. Diagonal bracing or strutting is nowhere to be found, and in many cases mortises and other joints are such as very materially to weaken the timbers at their points of connection. Linking words, also called connecting words, are words that you use to combine two different thoughts into one sentence. The definite erection of a single, Vast, world-empire cost them their original connection with ReIlgIoa. The quality or condition of being connected or connective. Meanwhile he took care to curb the excesses of the Italian Jacobins and to encourage the Moderates, who were favorable to the French connection as promising a guarantee against Austrian domination and internal anarchy. S – so. He now remembered the connection that existed between himself and this man who was dimly gazing at him through tears that filled his swollen eyes. They connect two simple sentences but don't join them. 1738), formed themselves into a separate association, under the name of the General Baptist New Connection, since which time the "Old Connection" has gradually merged into the Unitarian denomination. They are used to introduce, order, contrast, sequence ideas, theory, data etc. erected in connection with the Free Church. The close connection with the Poles, the principle of federalism which they maintained,the support given to them by the Bavarian patriots, their protest against the revolution from above as represented equally by the annexation of Hanover and the abolition of the papal temporal power, threw them into strong opposition to the prevailing opinion, an opposition which received its expression When Hermann von Mallincrodt (182 I 1874), the most respected of their parliamentary leaders, declared that justice was not present at the birth of the empire. 7.3%. Function: To provide the result of what has been stated or has occurred 1. Link Techdirt: You've already paid $ 2,000 For A Fiber Connection You'll.. . Internet connection for free in his room. gold platevy-duty gold-plated terminals allow for connection using substantial speaker cables. Thus 5. the act of connecting : the state of being connected: such as; causal or logical relation or sequence; contextual relation or association… See the full definition (noun) The features of a coast can be appreciated only when it is perceived that they result from the descent of the land surface beneath the sea and from the work of the sea, upon the shore line thus determined; and it is for this reason that through- Coast, out this article the coastal features are described in connection with the districts of which they are the border. Dean had polished the report, adding more posi­tive detail but not in any way referencing the Scranton connection, if there was one. A lifting bridge at the wharf-end, which the ferry approached stern on, enabled accurate connection of rails at all suites of the tide, the process of embarking a train requiring ordinarily not more than 15 minutes. Williss classification is founded, in the first place, on comparative motion, as expressed by velocity ratio and directional relation, and in the second place, on the mode of connection of the driver and follower. Consequently 6. Air handling STB and STE units are provided as standard with a duct spigot outlet for connection to ductwork. Find more ways to say connection, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Visible are the remains of the connection from the east end of the sorting sidings to the up main line. Passive sentences: you should always seek to write using the active voice. millionth unique user ever to log onto Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection service. Laptop Internet hookup from our room, using the campus high speed connection. most prominent survivor of the party of Earl Thomas, with whom she had formed an adulterous connection which they for some time succeeded in keeping secret. Thus the Corporation became its own Lord of the Manor and the Ramsden connection with Huddersfield, was finally severed. The connection between the 3rd of 1853 and 1798 was merely nominal. Sentence connectors are also referred to as linking language. It was a connection – a joining of spirit. See 'sentence' also in: Google Translator The-definition.com Dictionary.com Merriam Webster Wikipedia.com. descent from legendary ancestors with whom their connection is based simply on oral tradition. There's a simple principle here - when you use 'this' or 'it' to sum up what was in the last paragraph, don't leave the reader to work out what 'this' or 'it' was. The simplest sentence consists only of a noun, a naming word, and a verb or action word. He'd never felt such a connection with anyone. A sentence is a collection of words that convey sense or meaning and is formed according to the logic of grammar. appoint an administrative receiver will remain where floating charges are granted in connection with certain transactions in the capital markets. There was a reason he'd severed his connection to his emotions all those years ago. 0. They can be placed at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. The first is by the method of instantaneous centres, already exemplified in 63, and rolling centroids, developed by Reuleaux in connection with his method of analysis. The first conclusion drawn from the study is the causal connection between institutional rearing and cognitive impairment. Sentence Connectors provide connection … (noun) The following sentence contains two clauses: She lives in Mexico because she likes the climate. But the same man apart from that connection appears to be free. This solution has been discussed to some extent in 12, in connection with the forced oscillations of a pendulum. A'Ran closed the connection and checked the evacuation progress. Truma propane auto changeover valves Truma automatic changeover valves for propane bottles with left hand threaded connection. He shares his insights, as a hospice chaplain into the fundamental needs of human connection and how he connects with dying people. Connection - definition of connection by The Free Dictionary. Features include: Single click connection start-up and hang-up of a connection defined by time or day of week. Addition and Subtraction Connection. It was not the hard, fast, lustful connection he felt with his first mate, but a deeper connection. If we pass a little higher up the scale ot life we meet with forms consisting of two or more cells, each of which contains a similar minute mass of living substance, A study of them shows that each is practically independent of the others; in fact, the connection between them is so slight that they can separate and each becofne free without the slightest disadvantage to another. (because, although, when, while, if, as, since, whenever, wherever) Example: He didn’t go to work because he was sick. put off-24.4%. Its connection with the Mediterraneo-Oriental sub. rotting flesh of dead animals - suddenly I made the connection. Meaning: [kə'nekʃn] n. Before dismissing the subject of modern TOkyO ceramics, it may be added that KatO TomatarO, mentioned above in connection with the manufacture of special glazes, has also been very successful in producing porcelains decorated with blue sous couverte at his factory in the Koishikawa suburb. In-this-connection sentence examples. In this connection, it is interesting that in the east of England with the lowest summer rainfall of this country, many common sciophytes are absent or rare in the woods, such, for example, as Melica uniflora, Allium ursinum, Lychnis dioica, OxalsY Acetosella, and Asperula odorata. In 1783, when the strength of the Persian monarchy was concentrated upon Isfahan and Shiraz, the Georgian tsar Heraclius entered into an agreement with the empress Catherine by which all connection with the shah was disavowed, and a quasi-vassalage to Russia substitutedthe said empire extending her aegis of protection over her new ally. Finally, in connection with finding a suitable extended model, we use the following conditional distributions. How to use in connection with in a sentence. These arrests were in connection with the violent attacks upon the army watchtowers in the South Armagh area in December. ‘A plurality of bond wires make an electrical connection of the bond pads with the conductive trace layers.’. a connection … Find more ways to say connection, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. connexioneems no necessary connection between these two things. Bangla Academy Dictionary: Related Phrase, Idioms or a. She wanted nothing to do with this world or its inhabitants, despite that unexpected, intimate connection with the most beautiful man she'd ever seen. You didn't drink it, because you have an emotional connection to the person who asked you not to. The Rockingham section, which now looked up to Fox, rested on aristocratic connection and influence; the Shelburne section was anxious to gain popular support by active reforms, and to gain over the king to their side. She'd been trying to reconcile his connection to the PMF since discovering the link between him and Brady earlier that day. They are utterly useless for resolving any connection problems. Local distribution company compliance is required for connection of the renewable generator to the national grid. View American English definition of in connection with something. This was emphatically taught in connection with the gorgeous ritual of the Old testament dispensation. ,It is exemplified in Cardans suspension, as used in connection with a compass-bowl or a gyroscope. We have the formation of numerous mechanisms which have arisen in connection with the question of food supply, which may not only involve particular cells, but also lead to differentiation in the protoplasm of those cells, as in the development of the chloroplastids of the leaves and other green parts. 'S crumpet Alistair Appleton has a blog a single, Vast, world-empire cost them their connection! 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