Use a real employee's name in the sender field: Make email marketing more conversational with personalization, Use power words to increase #email open rates, Experiment with numbers and stats in #email subject lines. date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days*24*60*60*1000)); Brands that solve problems for people, though? Ben is the Inbound Marketing Director at CoSchedule. They found that a whopping 21 percent of people opened emails with a subject line in this range. Guesswork simply won’t get you the kind of results you’re looking for. Create a brand voice chart similar to this one from Content Marketing Institute: Dense paragraphs of text typically perform poorly for email. Whatever the case may be, strive to maintain a consistent experience with your copy throughout the entire experience, from first click on a subject line, all the way through to a conversion on your landing page. You are absolutely right! Keep each subject line short and to the point. This is a simple tip that can help increase clicks by placing a link at multiple spots where a reader is likely to be scanning across your copy: This email includes a CTA in each of the following places: If one item doesn’t entice clicks, there’s a chance the next one might. It’s useful for two reasons: Here’s a brief tutorial on how to do this with Constant Contact (other email service providers work similarly): The best time to send email will differ depending on your audience. With a physical entry form (for brick-and-mortar stores). You should also consider checking the HTML version of your email before sending them out. The bottom line is: you cannot and should not compromise on value when doing email marketing. 40 Actionable Email Marketing Tips That Will Boost Results. var date = new Date(); Even if you’re an experienced email marketer, you’re sure to pick up at least a few new tactics. This post covers 40 important email marketing tips, along with actionable advice to help you implement them right now. But, it’s worth it to build up a highly engaged email list. Whether you’re writing subject lines or body copy, make everything as long as it needs to be, and no more. Don’t dilute it with other offers. None of those people will understand why they’re getting email from a company that may or may not have ever heard about. Here are a few things that you need to keep in mind when crafting subject lines: Check out how New York Times best-selling author Ramit Sethi uses some of the best subject lines: If you want to go a step further and get the most out of your email personalization in terms of using their name, do the following: One of the most common reasons why emails get trashed immediately is because they aren’t personalized. Cold email marketing is one of the most undervalued marketing activities out there. This includes advertisements, coupons, newsletters, and so on. Work management processes that drive the best results. State of Agile Marketing Report With Agile Sherpas. Creating an impact overseas comes with its own unique challenges. To incorporate this technique into your subject line writing, do this: Now, done poorly, this is an easy recipe for cheesy clickbait. The #1 strategy I recommend to get people on your list is to use a freebie – aka, a lead magnet. Avoid beating around the bush and write as much as required to convey your message. The second example isn’t bad, but it puts the company first, and fails to make as strong a connection between product improvement and tangible consumer benefit. Every individual subscribing on your email list is different, which is why it would be a mistake to send them the same email message. Email marketing works great when it comes to creating a unique experience for your prospect or customer. For bloggers or solo consultants, your name might double as your brand. Share. These eight email marketing tips would help you to make a difference with others. Email list segmentation helps you do just that. This way they’re more focused on your offer, which is exactly what you’re looking for. Video, email and translation services – essential tips for international marketing. By leveraging the power of personalization, you can make them feel exclusive or special, which increases that chance of them doing business with you. Consistency in delivering value is the key to getting your emails read again and again. Emails that don’t render properly on mobile devices may get deleted in under three seconds. Remember, you are essentially trying to reach out to people who don’t have much time on hand. A call to action that converts your subscribers into customers. Another note to make your sticky CTAs more effective: include some social proof. In fact, according to Kim Courvoisier (formerly from Campaign Monitor), “brands that are using emojis have seen a 56% increase in their unique open rates.”. If you haven’t downloaded the email calendar included in this post, grab it for free. People want to feel like they’re more than just a number. The email marketing tips we discussed until now dealt directly with email, but this one goes beyond it. The structure of each of your emails needs to have a lot of white space. Leaving it blank is a missed opportunity, though, as it offers a chance to give your subject line more context. But, once you’re ready to roll, here are some great ideas for content upgrades you can try: Ivan Kreimer wrote a great guide on creating content upgrades here. function setCookie(name, value, days){ Nov 12, 2020 - By Denise Langenegger • Guest Blog post. Know the real definition of spamming: it is sending out email to people who you do not share a relationship with, and who have not given you the permission to email them. You can send out emails and expect to make sales only when you understand the importance of value. If you need help creating a landing page, LYFE Marketing offers this in their, If you need a little help applying these email marketing tips, LYFE Marketing has a great team dedicated to increasing your sales with captivating. SendFox Blog | Get The Latest Tips On Email Marketing Strategies. Email marketing is still a very effective part of digital marketing as a whole in 2020 as the start of a new decade. Someone might be interested in your brand, but just doesn’t want your emails anymore. Email marketing should be no exception. Blog Ebooks, Guides & More Free Courses & Certifications ... everything you need to know about email marketing is linked here. I was searching for some information on this topic and came across this. However, the fear of your emails going directly to their spam folder is irrational if you are sending out emails to subscribers who have willingly joined your email list. Leverage social proof by mentioning your subscriber count in your email signup call-to-action: Create a social media campaign promoting your #email newsletter to get more sign-ups, Use a double opt-in process to improve lead quality on your email list, Use Turnstile in @wistia to turn video viewers into email subscribers, Get more email signups with exit intent popups, Add an email signup link to your website footer to make it easily accessible all across your site. Will you achieve similar results? If you email folks around your industry with your own work email account, drop a link in your signature to get your company’s email newsletters, too. So try to have a healthy mix of quality content, promotions, and offers. Don’t dilute it with other offers. Tweet. A sub headline that supports that headline and re-emphasizes the headline. Whitelisting is a simple process email recipients can use to make sure messages from a certain sender go straight into their inbox (rather than a SPAM folder). if(!gclsrc || gclsrc.indexOf('aw') !== -1){ It’s the starting point of it all. So taking a targeted approach definitely makes a difference. Check out these mobile email stats from Campaign Monitor: What do all these numbers mean? This is another classic piece of copywriting advice, and one that directly ties into the previous tip. Here are some ideas: Get creative with it and see how it impacts opens and clicks. According to a study done by Retention Science, the optimum length of a subject line is six to ten words. Here are some basic guidelines to follow: Here’s an example from Google. In short, you need to provide subscribers with a strong mobile email experience. document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + ";path=/"; } Successful email marketing is all about consistency and delivering the right message, to the right audience, at the right time. } Why? What is Email Marketing? Not many businesses take this extra step but it can make an actual difference to your open rate. For marketers and business owners with limited time, it can be difficult to keep up with. When you create an email marketing campaign and make it successful, chances are that the success can be repeated with new subscribers and the ones that did not make a purchase. B2C email marketing tips you can’t afford to miss. It sounds like you're shouting in your reader's face. Use this cheat sheet: According to a study from YesWare, including a number (like an interesting stat or percentage) can influence a modest increase in clicks and replies: There are at least a couple reasons this might be the case: So, if you have stats or interesting percentages to share, consider including them. However, prospects who have specifically requested to learn about your new products or services, should receive content needed to make a buying decision. Head here to find a free code snippet you can use to drop a link like this in your email. Here are ten different ways to sharpen yours. Email is one of the most successful marketing platforms on the web. Longer subject lines are not only confusing but are also hard to read and understand. Last but not the least, it’s always a good idea to have no navigation on your landing page. Create powerful social messages that convert. Helping the visually impaired understand what your images are. So, use an employee’s name in the sender field, rather than your brand name. However, if you use a double opt-in process, subscribers will need to click a confirmation link on an email they’ll receive. Keep your subject lines natural to let them know that they are receiving emails from a real human and not a robot. Email marketing automation is hailed as the ultimate solution to staying relevant. Use a CTA on your website to drive more #email signups. Also, it will be useful for professionals who look for new ideas. There are lots of reasons you shouldn’t send emails to a paid list. So do not hesitate to send out regular emails to your list because doing so almost always results in a higher number of sales. if (c.indexOf(n) == 0){return c.substring(n.length,c.length);} Fortunately, Matthew Barby has created an incredibly in-depth guide here. Try the Headline Analyzer », terms of service, end user agreement, and privacy policy, 40 Actionable Email Marketing Tips That Will Boost Results via @CoSchedule, 33% of email recipients open email based on the subject line alone. To stand out, developing a distinctive brand voice is important. How could a marketer in this situation keep both groups equally engaged? Emojis are more than just fun illustrations. If not, you might not be as successful as you could be. “Many email senders link to whitelist instructions from their email campaigns, to ensure that their campaigns are delivered straight to the inbox for as many recipients as possible. For plain text emails though, if you have additional content to share, there is one place you can turn to: your PS section. In such a scenario, it makes sense to give a brief intro in the email and then direct them to your website with a “read more” link. 0 Shares. This way they’re more focused on your offer, which is exactly what you’re looking for. That’s what marketers should always aim for. Everything you need to know to go agile, right now. You will likely end up creating segmented lists for weightlifting, cardio, yoga, Pilates, etc. As you know, A/B testing is an essential to find success with email marketing and get a higher number of sales from your efforts. Are you optimizing your #email sending frequency based on data and performance? The offer on the landing page should be relevant and specific. Do you have any techniques you think should have been mentioned? It’s critical to exploit its viability, both with an inbound and outbound procedure. You may have heard some variation of that figure before (different reports suggest a range between 30% to upper 40%). Last but not the least, it’s always a good idea to have no navigation on your landing page. Read on! Write headlines that drive traffic, shares, and search results. Don’t beat around the bush when you can convey the message in a few sentences. One more thing that you need to keep in mind is the fact that more and more people are now accessing and reading the emails on their mobile devices. } Share. But, if you’re writing a plain text email, it’s best to direct readers toward one location. In today’s post, we’ve made a roundup of the top 30 email marketing blogs you should definitely follow. Usually, this space will be filled with copy from the email itself, if no preview text is specified. Say no to generic templates. Have one major call to action per email message rather than adding multiple ones. Now let’s look at the other nine email marketing tips we have for you. And doing this might lead to the readers being confused on what they should do next and eventually just deleting or leaving your email without any activity. Image alt-text helps tell web browsers and email clients more about the contents of an image. Create curiosity gaps in your email subject lines to get more opens. In this guide, I’m going to show you how to beat that. For increasing your sales you can use countdown timers as well. In order to get higher conversions and get the best return on your investment, it always makes sense to create a dedicated landing page and direct your email traffic to it. Here’s a basic example of this done well, starting with a subject line from Adobe: Based on this text, one can assume the email will link to something with interesting photography from Tokyo. Use these 10 tips to build up your list and get more leads into the funnel. And bringing down the unsubscribe rate. Follow your email service provider’s guidelines on using double opt-in processes effectively: If you use Wistia for video hosting, don’t overlook using Turnstile to add email opt-in forms to your videos. Drop a comment below. "Check out this example from Sujan Patel, co-founder at Voila Norbert, which lists information about his upcoming speaking appearances: Some other things you could consider including might be: This is an easy way to get extra eyeballs on stuff you want to promote, without distracting from your core call-to-action. var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); Contests and giveaways are a great way to gather email signups. How do you keep all your email content scheduled and […], Here at CoSchedule, we follow the philosophy of planning your work, then working your plan. The subscribers on your email list may have unique interests or different backgrounds. Companies often list email as one of their most powerful marketing channels. This free tool (which is also built into CoSchedule) makes it easy to optimize subject lines and see how they’ll look in recipient’s inboxes. setCookie('gclid', gclid, 90); Just don’t. Which will also affect your open rates. } Avoid paying for #email #marketing lists: Are your marketing #emails mobile-friendly? Great article! Now, there will always be businesses who don’t believe in the power of using email marketing strategy. Imagine what it can do for your email marketing. return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); Boost Your Sales with these 10 Email Marketing Tips. This happens mainly because they fail to see any positive results with their email marketing efforts due to their own shortcomings. Ask your developer if they can throw in a footer link to your email signup page. One of the best ways to get insight into what works for your audience specifically is to A/B test as much as possible. This can be as simple as making the unsubscribe link clear and easy to find: In this example, the unsubscribe link is subtle and unobtrusive, yet easy to find for anyone looking for it. For example, you may want to test the pop-up opt-in forms, opening of your welcome email and other email campaigns, or test the call-to-action to see what kind of response each version generates. If your email doesn’t offer value, then it’s going to get ignored. A common approach is to add a short message to your email content, like, “To keep receiving emails from us, please add us to your address book”. !’s), always include a functional unsubscribe link, a valid physical mailing address and permission reminder (you’re receiving this email because you subscribed HERE), be clear when assigning the “from” address (use the official name of your company instead of … According to email marketing company Campaign Monitor, emails that have a personalized subject line have a 26% more chance to be opened when compared to emails that have a generic, non-personalized subject line. Many email marketing tips you find online talk about improving your email open rate, but very few discuss keeping the attention of the reader once the email is opened. These are included in our customers’ existing plans at no extra cost. Never send a marketing #email if you don't have anything valuable to offer. A/b testing is the only method that removes guesswork from your email marketing and gives you a road map of what changes you need to make. Email marketing with video can work well both for domestic purposes and for international marketing. When it comes to marketing, email is perceived as an old-school marketing tactic while Instagram is seen as the new kid on the block. Which is why your approach needs to be competitive and in line with current best practices and email marketing best practices. Pin. You can even tweak these emails when sending them out to non-buyers. Or, the theme of the copy isn’t quite aligned. But, that doesn’t mean you should stick to doing things exactly the same way you always have, indefinitely. Your list is not a collection of email addresses. Keep in mind that your customers and prospects are bombarded with email newsletters and offers on a regular basis. Here are some examples of what this might look like in practice: All of these examples leave something out, that can only be learned by clicking through to read the email. Follow our email marketing blog to find useful email marketing tips, best practices, insights, industry updates, trends and news shared by our experts. Sometimes these business owners just need a few email marketing tips to increase the value of their emails. The offer on the landing page should be relevant and specific. The three main benefits of split testing your email marketing campaign are: So what elements do you test when optimizing your email marketing campaign? That’s all there is to this tip. If Rebecca wants to be called Becca, then so be it. But, there’s been plenty of research done to give us some solid starting points. When writing email copy, put the reader’s interest first: The first example establishes a clear benefit and helps the reader envision themselves spending less time mowing their lawn. But make sure you’re not confusing anyone. “Should you use this tactic to achieve [GOAL]”? Advanced; Intermediate ; Beginner; VIEW POSTS BY LEVEL: Email Marketing: Beginner 15 POSTS. They include subscriber list building, segmentation of subscribers, content personalization, CTRs, and optimization of email content for mobile devices. If people are following you on social media, they’re obviously interested in your brand. Questions and numbers are proven to get you a higher click-through rate if done right. Exit intent pop-ups make it easy to capture email signups when people start to move their cursor to leave your site: Here are some exit intent popup examples created with OptinMonster. If you need a little help applying these email marketing tips, LYFE Marketing has a great team dedicated to increasing your sales with captivating email marketing campaigns. There’s no denying that a high-converting email funnel is a game-changer. Instead of slipping on your sending schedule, get it organized. Test every headline before you publish. One of the most quintessential tips in email marketing is not sending unsolicited emails. By signing up, you agree to CoSchedule’s terms of service, end user agreement, and privacy policy; you are 16 years or older; and you will receive information from CoSchedule from which you can opt out at any time. Here we go: 1. drive a 927% traffic increase to a pricing page. Consistency helps deliver results. Leave out crucial information in the middle. At a basic level, make sure you’re using responsive templates for designed emails (most modern email service providers should make this easy), and easily skimmable text for plain-text emails. Providing context for images in case they can’t load. Make your #email #marketing copy skimmable instead. So if you have access to the first name of your email recipients, it makes sense to use it in the subject line and as well as in the body of the email. When you are building and nurturing a list of loyal subscribers who open and read all your emails, you shouldn’t have any problems sending out weekly or daily emails to your list, and getting more sales. It’s extremely brief and concludes with a simple CTA: Including a single call-to-action is a classic piece of email marketing advice. But, everyone has seen the same plain text email templates, repeatedly. Use the stats above to build your case. But, what about including that one CTA in multiple locations? However, there are a few elements that you should test at all costs, which include the subject line, day of the week, and the time of the day you send your emails. Guest Blog post. Focus on building trust. Let’s face it, the last thing you want to be called is a spammer; especially when you’re trying to do legitimate email marketing. Keep reading to become an email marketing master. By testing out different versions of your emails, you’ll be able to eventually perfect your overall campaign and get better results. Here’s a great example from MarketingProfs: The subject line inspires urgency (“last call”), while the preview text offers more specifics (exactly how long the offer will remain, and how much can be saved). Each dollar that you send relevant emails Begin to grow your email are telling you that they enjoy your... Isn’T quite aligned over time 's name focusing on making sales instead of building trust, will! 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