Set a large font size. Canva enables you to import PNG, JPG, and SVG images (but not GIFs). site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Why I need this: As you can see the controller above is nice and shinny, but the text isn't and the client wants me to pull the text color from the different controller shell colors to make it look at realistic as possible. The problem is that the magnifier is round, so I need to either clip it or fill an arc with it. Note: Check the media source.If the content comes from Pixabay please refer to the Pixabay License; if the content comes from Pexels, please refer to the Pexels License. Jump to: navigation, search Please note that the effect probably might need a lot of computing power when it's applied to a larger text! Must read Space Animation on HTML5 canvas and JavaScript for beginners The fill_canvas() function is a user defined function, where I am creating a context of the