If you are seeing a few grubs now they will not likely cause you problems unless you are seeing more than 8 grubs per square foot just under the surface of your grass. Bug be gone And would it be best to lightly till the soil in preparation for replanting and treat before or after adding some organic matter? However, these signs can also indicate that, possibly, there are grubs on your lawn. This extra nutrition helps create the dark green color in grass blades that is important in absorbing sunlight during the photosynthesis process. Then I want to put down the crabgrass preventer and overseed my lawn. Grubs can wreak havoc on your lawn. But, you are on the right track with GrubEx. Will it all wash away if it doesn’t have a chance to dry? It’s early oct. and as I peel back grass the grubs look to be about 3/4 in. You can then water after applying both products. If you are seeing 4 or 5 or more per square foot, then you could treat with one of the 24-hour grub killers at your local garden center. Good luck. ( Log Out /  I just did Weed and Feed last week. It is also usually between late May and late July. Hi, Ashton…thanks for the helpful info. Just put down Step 1 last week before a good soaking rain in Massachusetts. I have applied GrubEx to my Lawn yesterday and watered it using my sprinkler system for 2 hours. Should I go ahead and treat now or wait until the Spring/May of 2014? Hope this helps… let me know if you have more questions. If you are getting at least 4 hours of sun (it can be filtered sunlight through tree leaves), you can grow grass in that area. After applying Grub-ex, how long should I wait to apply seeds? We had grub worm infestation last year resulting in our lawn being dug up and flowers uprooted. ( Log Out /  You are right they do fly in from other areas. Weed and feed is applied after weeds like dandelions are actively growing and you are mowing regularly. Grubs eat grass roots resulting in brown, dead lawn patches in fall and early spring. This kind of blend is helpful on a sloped area where fast germination of the annual ryegrass helps to hold the soil in place. You are in an area that has grub problems. Here is a link to my recent blog posting that may help: https://tipsfromashton.wordpress.com/2018/06/07/japanese-beetles-grubs-and-moles/. These products work best on young larvae and if applied later in the summer, will not work. I was planning to put down grubex this week and more starter food in two weeks. Sorry that I do not have a way for you to post pictures here for me to ID the weed you are dealing with. Following these procedures carefully and accurately makes the substance, Grubex, more effective. any idea if this will help with voles; my dog brought one to the door and i think this is what is killing my vegetable garden; Although I know voles only eat plants. I have an older Scotts Easy Green spreader. GrubEx is not sold in Canada, so I am sorry to say I do not have a recommended solution for your problem. That is the right timing where you want to apply Grubex and stop the eggs from emerging. Hi Ebony Can I apply grub x now? When Is The Best Time To Apply GrubEx? Thank you for the info, I’m not looking to kill the moles, just reduce them by killing their food supply. In spring or early summer, apply a preventative grub control product, such as Scotts® GrubEx® 1 to your lawn, following label directions. Do I apply the GrubEx now or wait until May? Hi Jennifer Williams Typically you want to space Scotts Lawn Food applications about 6 to 8 weeks apart to take full advantage of the timed-release of nutrients. I put down grub x every year in may. I put down Grubx and it rained do I need to reapply? 3) 6 weeks after, Summer Guard Hope this helps. Typically it takes a different type of insecticide that is capable of killing mature grubs, however this type of material does not provide long term prevention like the May/June treatment of GrubEX. A couple of things to help you with Japanese Beetles: If you locate one of those hanging traps in your garden you will attract more Japanese Beetles to your area than you will trap. I believe Dave was the last person asking me a question on this post.). Apply ASAP to maximize prevention of grub problems in late summer/fall. Also having a hard time determining the difference between the Scotts ‘regular’ Turf Builder Lawn Food and the Scotts GreenMax Lawn Food. I like to allow a week between all my lawn applications. Hence, it is important to take some precautions regarding this. I applied grubex last June after my neighbor informed me that I had grubs(I’m a new homeowner), not sure if it did any good by then. Do you have any other experience with grubs and other pests? So I applied GrubEx last week and watered kit down real good. Hi Donna Mcmann Hi Pat Rouse Hi Tony If you are seeding on to bare soil, you should wait until your lawn is established before applying. You’re not going to find just a collection of basic articles about gardening here. It is also vital to check the instructions carefully before you proceed on the treatment. Have not treated lawn for 3 years with Grubex. ft., however if you start getting more than a few the root system can be thinned quite a bit damaging the lawn. Look for a product with a claim of 24 – hour grub control. Gonna try and get it on this weekend(mid June). Can I treat the soil, then top off with new soil and seed? I know grubs emerge in Spring but wonder if it would still be beneficial now. And, is there any harm/benefit in apply grub-ex twice in one season, say once in early May, and then again in early July? This is the time of year that you will find grubs when you pull back grass. So I have ALOT of problems with it. Where can I buy grass seed that will grow in sand and shade? The se grubs are the larvae of Japanese beetles. I thought they will have impact on last year larvae and so i will have reduction of beetles this year. You could attempt to seed those areas, however you may be getting late (depending on your location). Here’s How to Bring Your Garden with You, Flower Gifting Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts, The Complete Guide to Creating a Self-Sustaining Garden, How To Grow Psilocybin Mushrooms: 7 Simple Steps, 6 Amazing Ideas to Treat Cough and Cold Using Herbs, CBD: How to Deal with Prejudices and Misconceptions, Basic Swimming Pool Maintenance Tips You Must Always Remember, When You Should Call for Sprinkler Repair, Discover the Hidden Repairs Needed for Your Sprinkler System, How To Use An Auger Drill Bit – Learn it Now, PROS AND CONS OF USING ROBOT VACUUM FOR HARDWOOD FLOORS, Perfect Gifts for Gardeners who have Everything, Must-Have Farming Equipment for Your Small Farm. Apply your GrubEx in May. Disaster. You are right, voles can hurt plant roots. Question for you (and I know this thread was from years ago…) I purchased the GrubEx that is the “Season Long up to four months apply spring to early summer.” No where on it does it say not to use on vegetables it only says “residential lawn use only” (which leads me to think that they mean not intended for commercial use.) The only thing I would add to this plan is to do a follow up feeding in the fall about a month after seeding with Turf Builder. Hence, the best time to apply Grubex is between spring and early summer. If you are passed that time, you can still put down to prevent some of the later germinating crabgrass that comes along through early summer. I know she checked for grubs a couple of times and found a few. As I write this, we are approaching October 2013. Some of the plants do great, but many turn yellow/brown from the bottom and then eventually brown all over and die. Suggest you wait till May to put down your GrubEX. Check with your local Garden Center for a product that will provide 24 hour grub control. Hi John Gonsalves This feeding schedule will encourage root growth and a thicker lawn. Your GrubEX should go down in April or May (based on your location, I think I would go with early May). This kind of product is better for active grubs, however it does not do a good job taking care of future grubs as they hatch like GrubEX does. Since I am not familiar with triazide (it is not a Scotts or Ortho product), I checked it out and learned it does not take care of grubs. Another reason you will still see Japanese Beetles this year is they will fly in from other areas where the grubs were not treated. If I treat with GrubEx in May, how long should I wait to try again to replant? Allow 1 week between your GrubEx application and any other application to your lawn. Because of the early start to spring this year, it is recommended to apply grub control anytime now through Mid-June for the Western PA region. How to Identify Good and Bad Bugs in Your Garden, Mouse Control: Ways to Keep Rodents out of Your Garden, Some bugs that invade your garden can infest your house too, Amelia Robinson is a lover of plants and gardens, as well as an educator on this topic. Here is a link to a website that talks about everything moles including trapping: http://www.themoleman.com, I just discovered I have grubs…it’s October and a section of my lawn has been invaded by critters ( skunks?) Grubs can do … So the two benefits of this product is to protect your lawn against these kinds of insects while giving a special summer feeding of Turf Builder that is a little bit lighter than the typical Turf Builder feeding. Instead, she wants to answer the difficult questions for you. This application of GrubEX will kill the next generation of grubs that hatch from Japanese Beetles that will lay eggs in mid summer. Thank you. This will happen later as you see beetles attracted to your porch light at night or feeding on your roses and other plants. Here is a link to info from TomCat for bait products that do a good job killing moles: https://www.tomcatbrand.com/en-us/products/moles/mole-baits. Do they do different things? If you have observed some of these signs on your turf, you should not disregard these thus start planning about the treatment. Hi Jim Gibbons lol Needless to say, my than nice new lawn was ruined once again-(June/July of 2013 my entire lawn was ruined by Crabgrass taking over, when the CG finally died out around summers end I had almost no lawn left). GrubEX is best applied before eggs are laid by beetles. Thanks so much for your reply. Reading the label on Grubex … it stated apply spring to early summer. Do I have to water often when the weather is hot and dry?? I’m planning a veggie garden and want to get rid of grubs now, so the skunks will stay away. How do i prevent the grubs from turning into beetles. If this is the case you could treat now with a grub killer designed for fall use. Can I apply grub ex and summer guard at the same time? I understand that the active ingredient in GrubEX is used on many fruit crops in commercial agriculture, including cherries. This is a good time to seed in your area. while planting or transplanting, i have seen adult grubs in my perennial beds. Hi Nancy When applied in early fall, they generally kill between 20 and 80 percent of the grubs. Certainly, there are visible signs that will tell you your lawn might be damaged or affected. Will my GrubEx application kill the eggs they lay or did I apply GrubEx too early? I have applied Grubex on April and should i go for a second application of the same in fall. (Our cats eat so much grass I wonder why we spend so much on cat food.). In an attempt to answer your safety question I looked on line to see if there are products sold for vegetable production that contain this active ingredient: http://www.dupont.com.au/content/dam/dupont/tools-tactics/crop/Australia-label-SDS-finder/documents/Coragen%20Label.pdf This product appears to be only for commercial vegetable production in Australia and not for home vegetable gardens. Mow at one of the taller settings so that your grass is around 2 1/2 inches after the cut. I suggest you feed your lawn 4 times a year: early April, late May, early September, and mid October. The treatment will kill the larvae once the eggs hatch. Hope I have helped you decide what to do. Not too late. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. I applied GrubEx in April but with this crazy weather (Midwest) is it best/safe to apply a 2nd application? Help. Some folks say you can treat them now others say there is no need. GrubEX also has some killing power against sod webworms and cutworms. If they found a high concentration of grubs now, you should have them treat with the material that provides 24 hour grub control. I want to point out however that GrubEX will not be as effective preventing grub damage as it would have been if you had applied it by mid summer. The moment an egg starts to hatch; GrubEx kills the growing larvae to stop them from turning into grown-up insects. My last application was on June 3,2015.Thank you. Applying water maximizes the effectiveness of the insecticide. Thank you! The process would start in mid summer with Roundup over the entire lawn. My sweet wife comments about a “couple” yards in particular that have “fully green/grass” yards. -Is it a waste to apply the SummerGuard in say late July? If you are any an area with other insect problems, it is also ok to put down Turf Builder SummerGuard OR if you want to feed with GreenMAX to get more green up, you can get the same insect protection without the feeding with Ortho Bug B Gon MAX granules (does not control grubs). Of course, GrubEx will get rid of one of their primary food sources. For all products, you must apply approximately ½ inch of water at the time of application to wash the insecticide into the turf root zone where grubs are actively feeding. Hope this helps. Im winning the battle with crab grass and dandelions:) Now working on the bare spots with seeding and trying to avoid not know what I needed to do. If you miss the window, it is still beneficial to get it down in July or early August. White grubs, the larval form of beetles such as the June bug and Japanese beetle, are a lawn pest in Illinois. Hi Diane The ideal window of application is mid May thru mid June, however this can shift earlier or later depending on location. Hi Anna What if it is too late and the grubs have already severely damaged your lawn? I didn’t apply GrubEx last year and this year an area of grass is so damaged that I want to tear out any remaining grass and lay down a better base of topsoil and new sod, should I apply another round of GrubEx to this area before the sod goes down? As temperatures continue to drop with winter approaching, grubs dig down approximately 4-8 inches into the soil and lay there until temperatures start to rise again. They've been there and know how to handle it. As soon as you put your spreader away after you apply the grub control, get the sprinkler out and soak the area with an inch of water. Good luck with your vegetable garden. ( Log Out /  This can also show that some animals or pests are digging their way to the grubs. Rain in two days is almost as good if it actually happens. If you have questions anytime let me know. Can I put down grubb x and then spray Scott’s weed and feed? Be sure to put down Starter Lawn Food when you plant your grass seed. When is a good time to spread these items? Hi, I am wondering what the timeframe should be between products, or if I can put down any of these together in the same day. Click to access Liriope.pdf Hi Anthony Sapienza The vegetable label is very complex as it is for commercial production. But this is not practical for most folks. :) But I have GrubEx ready to go!!!!! Can I put Scott’s GrubEx down with Scott’s Bermuda grass seed at the same time? I also like to allow a week between any “control-type” product. I just discovered grubs now in my lawn. These larger mature grubs typically are killed more easily with a grub killer that states it will work in 24 hours. Hi Terrell Good luck. Any suggestions? Hi Mary I have grubs and moles. And to make it even more effective, you have to follow the instructions carefully. How long should I Irrigate after its applied? Scotts and Ortho does not sell a product for this purpose. GrubEX works best when applied prior to eggs being laid in late summer. Today, March 14, I pulled back a spot maybe 4′ square, found grubs, beetles(which I thought were lady bugs) worms. How long should I wait to put grass seeds down? Usually mid- June to Early July. The best timing is to wait a month before seeding after putting down a weed controls that kill dandelions. Since both need to be watered after spreading, if you will find this difficult to do, you could spread these two products the same day prior to watering. Is that okay or should I water sooner? It is March 29th, and the “guy” at the hardware is telling me that I need to put the weed and feed, and the GrubX down now….is it too early, and if it is, why? Weed controls can reduce grass seed germination and can injure young seedlings. Different climate from your other Q/As. How soon can I put weed&feed on lawn after I’ve used Grub control??Thanks!! I have an ant problem and bought triazicide insect killer for lawns. That is the right timing where you want to apply Grubex and stop the eggs from emerging. You can put down grass seed ONLY if you have put down the special Step 1 Starter Lawn Food plus Weed Preventer. The japanese beetles are destroying my Linden Tree. I suggest you look for a grub killer that is designed to work in 24 hours to take care of your active grub problem. Hi Mwalsh I have lots of beetles this year and they are now in the mating stage. Sounds like a good plan. I bought grub ex and weed and feed, but i think that will only kill the grubs and dandelions whats the next step? Hi Chad Kelahan And you do not want them to emerge from their larvae. You will need to make two trips over your lawn. Hi Dave Thank you so much for your help!! GreenMAX lawn food has a bit more Nitrogen and Iron than in regular Turf Builder. GrubEX now in May will give you protection from the next round of grubs that will hatch in late summer and feed on grass roots in late summer and fall. Can I apply an instant grub killer, such as the Bayer 24 hr, on top of the grubex? Hi Irene M You can put down GrubEx anytime over the next several weeks. The lawn can’t be mowed for another 2 weeks. What do you think? Hi Chantal The pesticides may be applied in spring or fall. Apply during spring or early summer to kill grubs as they develop. Any grubs you are seeing now have completed their grub cycle and will soon become beetles. Thanks for the reply, this is starting to clear some things up and I am already getting more info here than from the Scotts site. My thought is that any grubs that are present now will not be doing any more damage as they will be shifting to the pupae stage to become a beetle, much like a caterpillar goes into the cocoon stage to become a butterfly. Should I put down Grub X or Bug B Gon? Our temperature has been in the upper 90°F to 105°F for several weeks already with several more weeks ahead. During the same application?? Ortho has some products you can put on Roses to control Japanese Beetles. grubs are killing my gladiolas and lawn,live in michigan,should i put down grub control now, killed a couple today 2 inches long. In fact, a couple of fall feedings would be good. Can I put down grubex and grass seed in the same week? Less sun than that and the grass will always be thin no matter what you plant. The GrubEx you applied this spring will protect your lawn from the next round of grubs from eggs laid by beetles in late summer. Bug B Gon does not take care of grubs. Was I suppose to bring it right down to the earth or could I spray over the dead surface. GrubEx is best applied prior to eggs being laid in August as you have cited. I don’t think you need a second application even though you have sandy soil. The key is that your grass plants capture the ingredient in the root zone to protect the plants from grub damage. For zip code This is why it is recommended to apply late spring to early summer. Scotts does not have a grub control that will provide this immediate kill. Thank you, should I also wait a week between grubex and bug be gone? Hi Steve Taylor Ideally you would allow a week between applications of any two lawn products. Hope this helps. What are the pros and sons for the types of GrubEx? The grubs that are present this time of year are just about to shift into the pupae stage and become beetles. This may seem normal as it could really happen during the hot season of the year. Wait until a dry day between spring and late summer before applying Grubex for a season-long protection of your yard. The quick answer is yes. Late May will be good timing for GrubEX based on when you seeded. Obvious grubs, some live, some dead. You can have a grub problem without having a mole problem. Since you know your lawn size, sounds like you put down a half rate. You can use other procedures but Grubex is one of the most effective tools you can use to prevent any further damages on your lawn. Controlling lawn grubs requires careful maintenance and correct use of insecticides. (If your lawn looks like it needs a boost in summer you can feed with Turf Builder SummerGuard in July). Will I be able to get any progress? It is not uncommon to find a few grubs in the soil. Hi Anna Yes, you can put both down during the same week. I am a new homeowner in Michigan with grubs. To … Thank you in advance. Seed? Hi MiceBots ​The flaws on your lawn are sometimes unnoticeable unless you check it rigorously. Hi Lou The sprinkler system is on, and We expect to aireate next week. If needed, you can apply fertilizer within the same day. In Michigan it would have been best to apply earlier this summer. this is jeff can i mix scotts grass seed with scotts starter fertilizer do it all on shot and do i have to water right way. I applied grub prevention this past Spring. (I’m not sure what treatment; once was in March and another time in August). Hence, the best time to apply Grubex is between spring and early summer. Suggest you apply after you aerate by Mid-May. How do you determine which to apply? Moreover, grubs do not ingest any pesticide if you apply it too early in the spring or too late in the fall. You have activated this active ingredient with the irrigation. Ortho has a new liquid and granular Mole-B-Gon repellent this year. Thx. Let us know and we’ll do our best to help you! This is the season when the eggs have already hatched and are on its way for maturity. You may not see a reduction in Japanese Beetles early this summer as they will come from the grubs that were hatched from eggs last summer. In spring mature grubs are difficult to kill even with the 24 hour product primarily because they are not actively feeding as they shift into the pupae stage prior to emerging from the soil as a beetle. Not sure if this really answers your safety question to your satisfaction, however it does provide more info on this active ingredient. 4) In Mid October feed with Turf Builder WinterGuard. If you are not sure whether your lawn is damaged or not, observe again and consider the signs mentioned above. That guy on the food network who’s always eating some type of bug would have been in his glory! Keep in mind you should apply liquid and granular products in a dry environment to prevent runoff. Hi Deborah Clark One additional possible solution for your moles without killing them: TomCat has Mole Repellents that you may find useful. I think your Liriope problem is Crown Rot, caused by Phytophthora palmivora. Hi Linda Williams Thanks. The areas have brown or yellowish color with thinly dispersed patches. Due to the changes in weather, the grass might get extremely dry, could wilt or turn into brown color. Having a hard time determining the difference between Scotts GrubEx and Scotts Summerguard. Well, there are no dates when the questions were presented. Apply this month and be sure to water after application. When I heard about Grubex, I thought I could give it a shot and so I did. If you get moles, you can trap them, bait them or repel them. Waiting until your grass seed germinates will be too late. I just found this Blog, and I love it. I’m finding your website very helpful. We do not sell a product that provides the kind of 24 hour grub kill that you are looking for this time of year. You can apply GrubEx prior to a rain rather than watering after application. The best timing is to apply sometime between May and early August prior to eggs being laid. Ortho has several systemic insect control products that can be used in shrub beds. Once they do, they would start eating all the roots of your lawn. Also other sites said other things. Click to see full answer. I would try to get the GrubEX down by mid June. I’ve discovered I have a bad case of grub worms, so when should I apply the GrubEx? Good Luck. If you reduce your grub population this will help drive the moles to other areas, however since earthworms are one of their primary food sources moles may remain if you have moist soil with ample organic matter. I called Scott’s for the setting for GrubEx and was told 21 or 22. To kill most of the “other” plants in my yard, and prepare for a seeding(which kind should I get, mostly sunny, Grand Rapids, MI) in the fall. I would put the grass seed and Starter Lawn Food the same day. I should also point out that you should check the label to see if that particular product can be applied in an area where vegetables will be planted. It’s April 18th. Hi Jeff Bare dirt everywhere. Also i would i like to know if it is ok to mow the lawn the next day after applying the grubex. It really boils down to how much grub activity you are seeing and if your grass needs to be replaced. I wait a week between applications. If this keeps on and you don’t do anything to resolve this, these grubs and Japanese beetles can ruin your entire lawn. , any other experience with voles area ) your landscaper was planning to use this myself ( big! After the cut applied later in the instructions carefully before you apply prior to eggs being laid in late.... 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