(Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8) People are urged to become The Holy Spirit in Relation to the Unsaved World, 6. It may be concluded therefore, without further summation of the arguments, that the case for the deity of the Holy Spirit is impregnable. It is a fundamental revelation that the Holy Spirit is a Person, in the sense that the Father is a Person, and the Son is a Person. 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” 2 Cor. Receiving the Holy Spirit – Bible verses about the baptism of the Holy Spirit “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. Jehovah is used of all three Persons of the Trinity severally as well as of the Trinity corporately. A number of Scripture references indicate that the Holy Spirit constitutes a seal of the believer’s redemption (2 Cor 1:22; Eph 1:13; 4:30). In Isaiah, and in the Psalms, the twofold teaching concerning Him is His connection with the Messiah on the one hand, and what may be called His personal qualities, such as being grieved, or vexed, by ingratitude or rebellion, on the other.”15. That it is used typically in reference to the Holy Spirit is clear from John 4:14; 7:38-39. 1. Happy New Year: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives, 2. It has few opponents even in the chaotic period of theology; and in modern times has been denied by none but Socinians, Arians, and Sabellians.”4. A comparison of Scriptures often reveals an association of the Persons of the Trinity in terms which infer equality of association. F. E. Marsh adds to these suggestions that (5) “Among men a seal signifies a finished transaction”; (6) that the seal constitutes a mark of recognition; (7) that the seal implies secrecy and (8) obligation; and that “the seal leaves an impression upon the wax which corresponds to it,” i.e., is evidenced in the life of the believer.24 It is an evidence of the grace of God that such assurance should be given the believer in this age. The identification is not of Person but of Essence. Jesus himself identifies the Spirit as a coequal member of the Trinity. All instances, of course, do not involve typology, but the connection of physical life with spirit is interesting. But it is possible to discern that each of the inspired writers has caught some special aspect of the Holy Spirit’s person or work, which is reiterated in his pages. ), in Ezekiel (590 B.C. Hence, the Holy Spirit is accorded the same honor, position, and ministry as the other members of the Trinity. However, the Bible is very clear on this matter; the Holy Spirit is a person, the Third Person of … Of importance here is the relation of this doctrine to the deity of the Holy Spirit. John F. Walvoord, long-time president of Dallas Theological Seminary, was one of the most prominent evangelical scholars of his generation. On the occasion of Pentecost, a “sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind” was heard. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.’” Matthew 3:11. In the baptismal formula of Matthew 28:19, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are related on an equal basis. The doctrine of the deity of the Holy Spirit has an intimate logical relation to the doctrine of the personality of the Spirit. While the Father sends the Son and the Spirit, the Son never sends the Father, but does send the Spirit. The remaining lines of evidence are even more important. I mean when I don’t understand anything when reading the bible I normally would say Holy Spirit I really don’t understand this can you enlighten me … It is a fundamental revelation that the Holy Spirit is a Person, in the sense that the Father is a Person, and the Son is a Person. The many titles of the Holy Spirit with their manifold meanings speak eloquently of the beauties of His Person and the wonders of His attributes. Another clear instance of identification of the Holy Spirit and God is found in Acts 5:1-4, where the sin of Ananias against the Holy Spirit is said to be a sin against God. Every aspect of the truth regarding the Holy Spirit speaks in eloquent terms of His deity. While there is some distinction in meaning in the various titles, the chief significance is to bring out the relationship of the Holy Spirit as the Third Person of the Trinity, all affirming His deity and procession. The Scriptures make it clear. While the statements vary, the fact of the procession is clearly stated in all as being eternal and distinguished from generation. While the variations in the views of doctrine on the Person of the Holy Spirit have been many, the great body of orthodox and conservative theology has held to the personality of the Spirit, the proofs of which may be here considered. The descriptive adjective holy is used to distinguish Him from other spirits, which are creatures. For we do not know what to pray for … It is necessary, therefore, to allow the context to determine the meaning of the word in all of its occurrences. (6) Holiness is frequently assigned the one who is distinctively known as the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13). As the Holy Spirit possesses life, personality is necessary. No valid reason may be found for this except as indicating His personality. Shedd states that though the Socinians deny the personality of the Spirit they affirm the eternity of the Spirit as proceeding from the eternal God: “Socinians deny the distinct personality of the Holy Spirit; they concede eternity, because they regard the Spirit as the influence or effluence of the eternal God.”1 Centuries before, Arius had much the same idea, affirming that the Spirit did not have personality, as Watson indicates, “His personality was wholly denied by the Arians, and he was considered as the exerted energy of God.”2 Arius, however, denied the eternity of the Spirit, making him a creature. No human mind can improve on these distinctions, even if it be admitted that the terms are inadequate to comprehend all the truth which they represent. Likewise the apostolic benediction as recorded in 2 Corinthians 13:14 indicates an equality in respect to personality of the members of the Trinity. All spiritual references to water do not necessarily refer to the Spirit directly. Q. He states that the first visit of the dove is significant of the visit of the Holy Spirit during the patriarchal and prophetic ages, vainly seeking a godly seed (Mal 2:15). (4) The eternity of the Spirit is seen in the title, Eternal Spirit (Heb 9:14). 3 He was sinned against and lied to. The question is if the Holy Spirit is a Person why can’t we talk to Him. This is done unconsciously rather than deliberately, their relation to the Spirit effecting this response. The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Believer, 10. A study of the references to the Holy Spirit by various titles in Scripture will reveal some significant facts. Watson7 notes that inspiration of Scripture may be traced to God (Heb 1:1), to the Holy Spirit (2 Pet 1:21), and to the Spirit of Christ (1 Pet 1:11). The Nicene Creed, for instance, states: “And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and Son together, is worshipped and glorified.”9 The Athanasian Creed speaks of it more briefly, “The Holy Ghost is of the Father and of the Son, neither made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding.”10 In more recent times, the Articles of the English Church state the doctrine: “The Holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father and the Son, is of one substance, majesty, and glory, with the Father and the Son, very and eternal God.”11 The Westminster Confession of Faith has a similar statement: “In the unity of the Godhead there be three persons of one substance, power, and eternity; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. But although he can not lose the thing itself, he can very easily lose the enjoyment of it, the experience and power of it. He can’t be completely understood, but He can be known. 12 The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., p. 20. International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, v.s., Oil. What does the Bible say to the church, and to the individual Christian, about the role of politics in the church? Others suggest that perhaps the Holy Spirit is just another name for Jesus, in spirit form, apart from His body. The attribute of grace is found in two titles, (16) Spirit of Grace (Heb 10:29), and (17) Spirit of Grace and Supplication (Zech 12:10). The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament, 4. Hence, we find the Spirit being sent into the world to reveal truth on behalf of Christ (John 16:13-15), with the special mission of making the things of Christ known and magnifying the Father and the Son. The Spirit is, first and foremost, God’s personal presence. While personification of things material and immaterial is common, such uses of the personal pronouns are quite obvious and do not cause confusion. From the various uses, and from the nature of wind itself, it may be inferred that as a type of the Spirit, wind indicates His power, His invisibleness, His immaterial nature, and His sovereign purpose. Some see Him as an impersonal force or influence, some deny His very existence, and others are not certain who or what the Holy Spirit is. The most obvious difficulty with the view of the Greek Church is that the Holy Spirit is operative in the Old Testament, and the procession was then a fact (Ps 104:30). The nature of the attributes are such that they could not all be communicated to a creature. Accordingly, it is of great significance that this title is given the Holy Spirit. (6) Spirit of Life affirms the eternal life of the Spirit (Rom 8:2). It must be admitted that the study of His Person is never complete without the complement of the revelation of His Person in His works. I, p. 630. The New Testament word for the Spirit, πνεῦμα, is found in two hundred and sixty-two passages, according to Cummings, scattered throughout all the major New Testament books.16 To quote Cummings, “The Gospels contain fifty-six passages; the Acts of the Apostles, fifty-seven; St. Paul’s Epistles, one hundred and thirteen; and the other books, thirty-six.”17 From these facts, it may be clearly seen that there is consistent reference to the Holy Spirit from Gen 1:2 to Rev 22:17, and the inference is plain that a constant ministry of the Holy Spirit is maintained suitable for each dispensation. O ne of my favorite things to do is to look in the Bible for things that have many names. The Holy Spirit in Relation to the Person and Work of Christ; 5. From other Scripture, however, it appears that fire is typical generally of judgment of sin and sanctification of the saint (cf. Many of the titles referred to as indicating His attributes also connote His works. The inference from John 15:26 is certainly that of an eternal relation. According to Young’s Concordance, there are one hundred and seventy-five references to oil in the Old Testament and a dozen instances in the New Testament, the most notable being Matthew 25:3-8; Hebrews 1:9; James 5:14. While the nature of procession is largely inscrutable, it is an expression in human words based on the Scriptural revelation of the relationship of the Persons of the Trinity to each other. His presence is of great significance, entirely apart from His ministries. A mere influence or emanation does not create, empower, teach, guide, pray, or command. (2) The Holy Spirit possesses life (Rom 8:2) which is an essential of personality. In connection with the sending forth of the dove from the ark by Noah, Dr. Herbert Mackenzie finds in the account an indication of the dispensational character of the ministry of the Spirit. The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Believer, 9. (3) The ministry of the Holy Spirit in effecting the sanctification of the believer is another illustration (2 Thess 2:13). The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity–equal with the Father and Son in essence. It is His office as the Giver of prophetic inspiration which is most constantly spoken of in the books of Samuel and the Chronicles. In both the Old and New Testaments, the Holy Spirit is frequently found in this type. The other approach, which is taken here, is through the explicit reference of Scripture, revealing certain attributes. A Lasting Legacy: Choosing A Wife For Isaac (Gen. 24:1-67). In the tabernacle, the pure olive oil which kept the lamp burning continually in the holy place speaks eloquently of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in revelation and illumination, without which the showbread (Christ) would be unseen in the darkness, and the way into the holiest of all would not be made plain (Exod 27:20-21). They seem to bear no special relation to chronology, as they appear chiefly in Isaiah (750 B.C. (2) The Spirit of Faith (2 Cor 4:13), while perhaps impersonal, and in this case not referring to the Holy Spirit as such, if admitted as a reference, it indicates the ministry of the Spirit in producing faith in us. In the King James and New King James Versions, these verses appear to refer to the Holy Spirit as one member of a three-person “Trinity.” This passage is quite misleading because nearly all biblical authorities agree that the words (in verses 7-8) “in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. This doctrine will be considered more at length in the section dealing with it. 4 The titles of the Holy Spirit as commonly translated are subject to significant classification which furnishes an interesting background for the doctrine. (4) Omniscience belongs to the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 2:10-11), and (5) omnipotence, as illustrated in His work of creation (Gen 1:2). 6:8-9 and Acts 28:25 will reveal that the Scriptures properly without assuming His personality mere influence emanation... Is the implication of the Trinity corporately is revealed in the Believer is another illustration ( 2 ) the of! As being the same honor, position, and has been Present with the and... The unity of the Israelite tithe and slaves to have proceeded from the very nature procession! Apostolic benediction recorded in 2 Samuel 23:2, 3 spirits, which is an attribute of His Person, in! What to pray for … Random Bible Verse for the doctrine of the Spirit of life personality... 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