The Pivot Table data is fine, but I want it to display alongside the source data. Range(“C1”).Formula = “PivotTable1:” If .Left + .Width = objRange2.Left Then Matt brings his 35 year career expertise in business and data analytics directly to you with his high quality Power BI training courses and consulting. Best learning resource for DAX with Excel 2016. For Each pt In ws.PivotTables I am trying to make it so as I expand the top one, it will move the bottom one. r = 1 There will be PivotTables somewhere in your workbook, that those Pivotcharts are based on. Workbooks.Add ‘ create a new workbook For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets sMsg = sMsg & vbNewLine & vbNewLine Insert a column or row between neighbouring pivot tables, try the Refresh, if it doesn't work add yet another column or row and try again. 101 Most Popular Excel Formulas Paperback on Amazon, 101 Ready To Use Excel Macros Paperback on Amazon. 50 Things You Can Do With Excel Pivot Table, CLICK HERE TO SEARCH OVER 300 EXCEL TUTORIALS. If you'd like to reproduce this pivot table refresh error, with Data Model data, you can follow these steps. There is VBA code on the web to analyse the pivot tables for potential overlaps, but none (that I could find) solve this problem particular Power Pivot refresh problem.  Why?  Because it is the change in the pivot table shape that triggers the error, so you can’t actually detect the error until the pivot table changes shape, but the pivot table never commits the change in shape because the error prevents this occurring.  So what to do? End With ahh, that is clever, thank you for sharing. 026: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2019! If AdjacentRanges(.PivotTables(i).TableRange2, .PivotTables(j).TableRange2) Then If you use pivot tables in Excel a lot like I do and you’ve ever had to pivot data with long entries, such as URLs (like from a Screaming Frog export or a content report from your analytics software), Excel will autofit your column to fit the longest entry in the column. Your email address will not be published. sMsg = “The following PivotTable(s) are overlapping something: ” …and this goes in the ThisWorkbook module: Private Sub Workbook_SheetPivotTableUpdate(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As PivotTable) Chris: This warning message can’t be generated by PivotCharts overlapping, because you can happily overlap as many PivotCharts as you like given they don’t live in the grid, but float on top. Maybe also udf’s to query slicers and expose the name of the slicer, number of active filter words, active in the slicer, etc. Range(“A1”).Formula = “Worksheet:” Next pt The only way I could think of was to create two PTs on the same sheet Next i End With Get your team skilled up in Excel and save with our corporate packages, See why leading organizations choose MyExcelOnline as their destination for employee learning, If you are a current Academy member, click here to login & access this course. AdjacentRanges = True With wb Range(“A” & r).Formula = varItems(0) Should I just ignore the notice? If objRange2 Is Nothing Then Exit Function, With objRange1 Instead of writing to the range, I’d put something like this in a standard code module: Then I switched to the Power Pivot window and selected “Refresh All”. What Does A Pivot Table Cannot Overlap Another Pivot Table Mean. End If Pivot tables grow and shrink when the data is refreshed. If .Top + .Height = objRange2.Top Then Global dic As Object Jeff! *** Watch our video and step by step guide below with free downloadable Excel workbook to practice ***, STEP 1: Let us see the error in action. Is there a fix to this? This means that one of your Pivot Tables is trying to expanded horizontally/vertically and will overlap with another Pivot Table. If you just hit Refresh All from Excel, the PivotTable_Update event only gets called once for each PivotTable. After the refresh, this is what I was in my worksheet. The key learning here from a VBA perspective is that the PivotTable_Update event handler doesn’t get triggered for some reason when you have an overlap. I’ve got some code I’ve been working on for some time that creates what I call a “PivotReport”: A new PivotTable that contains this kind of summary information about all other PivotTables, PivotCaches, Slicers, and SlicerCaches in the workbook. Unfortunately this approach will only work with OLAP pivots. They have a large Power Pivot Excel workbook with lots of Pivot Tables. Who Needs Power Pivot, Power Query and Power BI Anyway? All rights reserved. If you are changing the name of a Pivot Table field, you must type a new name for the field.” From the 2 lists above, it is pretty easy to see that it is PivotTable1 that is the issue.  To find PivotTable1, you can either check each pivot table name one by one, or you can use this other code I wrote here. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. However, you might want to hide the errors in the pivot table, instead of showing them there. Sure thing. I get Error saying Access a library of 500+ Excel video tutorials covering all levels and features like: Formulas, Macros, VBA, Pivot Tables, Power BI, Power Query, Power Pivot, Dashboards, Financial Modelling, Charts, Access, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook plus MORE! OverlappingRanges = False To create a Pivot Table report, you must use data that is organized as a list with labeled columns. Find the table - click around in your cells til you see the Design tab show up in the ribbon (indicates you're in a table) Click the Convert to Range command in the Tools group Click Yes and the data should remain and return to normal Yes, this process relies on you being able to complete a refresh before you change the data source causing the problem. I plan to turn it into an add-in, but I’m still working on finishing up another couple of addins first, and so can’t share the code on both counts. Choose from the different Microsoft Excel and Office features that we can help you with today…, Learn the most popular Excel Formulas ever: VLOOKUP, IF, SUMIF, INDEX/MATCH, COUNT, SUMPRODUCT plus more, Access 101 Ready To Use Macros with VBA code which you can Copy & Paste to your workbooks straight away. The dynamic height when drilling down means that even if you knew the exact cell height for a Pivot Table after being fully expanded, and placed another Pivot Table below it, so that there would be no overlap, there would be a large gap between the two tables by default. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I checked the data source and it is referencing all cells in the source data (which is in table format). Which is messy. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE EXCEL RESOURCE GUIDE E-BOOK! Bug, maybe? You might want to see the total sales achieved per month, week, or year. If OverlappingRanges(.PivotTables(i).TableRange2, .PivotTables(j).TableRange2) Then I don’t believe there is a way to do that within the pivot table settings. End Function, Function OverlappingRanges(objRange1 As Range, objRange2 As Range) As Boolean If you have more than one Pivot Table in a file, sometimes they appear to not work independently. Click Here To Join Our FREE Excel Pivot Tables & Excel Dashboards Webinar That Will SAVE YOU HOURS At Work & INCREASE Your Excel SKILLS! There are no reviews yet. The next thing I did was to select a cell in my workbook (shown in red below). Set dic = CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”) If GetPivotTableConflicts.Count = 0 Then Set GetPivotTableConflicts = Nothing MsgBox sMsg Create a simple list on a worksheet, like the one shown below. For i = 1 To .PivotTables.Count – 1 End If Using formulas or VBA to get the work done will be too complicated. Next ws To find out which pivot table overlaps with another one, you may need to refresh them individually. .PivotTables(j).Name, .PivotTables(j).TableRange2.Address) MsgBox sMsg Range(“D1”).Formula = “TableAddress1:” AdjacentRanges = True 3. Option Explicit Dim ws As Worksheet That sounds like a good idea, and a job for Jeff Weir! End If By FAR this is the best way to handle this super frustrating situation: Range(“A1”).Select STEP 3: Select the new location where you want to move it.  You have the options to move the Pivot Table to a New Worksheet or Existing Worksheet. First I had to contrive a situation where overlapping PTs could exist. End If Range(“D” & r).Formula = varItems(3) All was good except sometimes when they refreshed the data, the newly loaded data changed the shape of some of the pivot tables causing at least one of them to try to overlap another. Specifically, the top comment requested pivot tables - so last week, I added Pivot Table functionality to the app. Application.StatusBar = False Get our Free Weekly Excel lesson plans that cover the must know Excel features and tips to make you better at Excel! In my mind this is basic functionality that just needs to exist in excel. You’ll see that message if pivot tables are one the same sheet, and there’s not enough blank space for one of the pivot tables to expand for new data. My pivots are based on two tables in the worksheet, where I checked the ‘Add to data model’ option when creating them so they are PowerPivot pivots. If dic.Count > 0 Then Application.DisplayAlerts = True This Pivot Table simply summarizes sales data by date which isn’t very helpful. Sub RefreshPivots() If objRange1 Is Nothing Then Exit Function But most of the times, the overlap hapens when you opened the report, and refresh already the first time, so you won’t have the change to generate the order pattern…. Simply place this code in the Worksheet Code Page in the Visual Basic editor as shown below.  You will need to add the code on every sheet that has pivot tables. Click Refresh, STEP 2: Make sure you have selected your second Pivot Table. Set dic = Nothing End With If objRange1 Is Nothing Then Exit Function Then I loaded the new data from my data source in the Power Pivot Window.  It is the new data that will trigger the error for my demo.  I got a couple of refresh errors during the refresh (as expected) plus the following audit information then was recorded in my worksheet. Excel Pivot Table corruption may occur due to any unexpected errors or reasons. Your email address will not be published. The 4 Step Framework to ADVANCE Your Excel Level within 30 DAYS! Zomg anNOYing . Dim ws As Worksheet Application.DisplayAlerts = False Relationships in Power BI and Power Pivot. So there is no way to tell which pivot table is overlapping because the refresh doesn’t happen and the updated data doesn’t pull in and I can’t eyeball the overlapping pivot table. Range(“A1”).CurrentRegion.Font.Bold = True With ws Click Refresh again so we can show the 2015 data in our Pivot Table report: Voila! End Sub. AdjacentRanges = True After thinking about the problem for a while, it occurred to me that one way to solve this problem was to create some auditing VBA code.  My idea was to first refresh all the Pivot Tables before the error occurs and record the names of all the PivotTables and order in which they refresh.  Then I could make the change to trigger the error and record the PivotTable names and order of refresh again.  I can then work out what is different hence uncovering the culprit.  Let me demonstrate. Be the first one to write one. This can lead to inaccurate observation in data analysis and also cause data loss if not fixed quickly. However, i do frequently put two or more pivot tables on one worksheet. Range(“A2”).Select End Sub, It’s a good approach, but I have a question. r = r + 1 If coll Is Nothing Then If ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then Exit Sub, Set coll = GetPivotTableConflicts(ActiveWorkbook) For Each ws In .Worksheets There are 4 pivot tables in the above workbook.  I have deliberately loaded the Products table so it only contains “Bikes” and have laid out the tables as shown above.  Now when I refresh the Products table and bring back all Products (not just Bikes),  I get the following error. GetPivotTableConflicts.Add Array(strName, “Intersecting”, _ In this short video, we look at 10 common pivot table problems + 10 easy fixes. Dim coll As Collection, i As Long, varItems As Variant, r As Long “The Pivot Table field name is not valid. Option Explicit, Private Sub Workbook_SheetPivotTableUpdate(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As PivotTable) Range(“F” & r).Formula = varItems(5) Modules 1 & 2: Power BI for the Business Analyst, Module 3: Demystifying DAX – Advanced DAX Training, Private, Live, Instructor-led Virtual Online Inhouse Training, Supercharge Power BI (DAX with weekly online live Q&A Sessions), Foundations of Power BI – Data to Dashboard    (Building Reports & Dashboards), Extracting Data Insights with Power BI and DAX, Power Query for Power BI and Excel (Loading & Shaping Data), Excelerator BI | Expert Power BI Training | © 2020. OverlappingRanges = True For traditional pivots, the PivotTableUpdate event still gets triggered, meaning you can’t use the absence of this event to identify the offending non-OLAP PivotTable. Should work for no OLAP connections as well, Function GetPivotTableConflicts(wb As Workbook) As Collection the solution is to insert rows or columns before making the change.--Regards, Tom Ogilvy "Jean" … If Not dic Is Nothing Then dic.Remove Target.Name & “: ” & Target.Parent.Name & “!” & Target.TableRange2.Address Note the annoying question at the bottom “Was this information helpful?”.  No actually, it is not helpful at all.  The error tells me the problem but it does not tell me “which” pivot table is causing the problem.  In this simplistic example it is clear that Pivot Table 1 is the culprit, but in real life with a large workbook, it is not that simple to tell. MsgBox “No PivotTable conflicts in the active workbook!”, vbInformation Grouping pivot tables is covered in depth in our Expert Skills Books and E-books, as well as everything else there is to know about pivot tables. You will notice that the text from a heading cell overlaps a blank cell beside the cell Next ws, ThisWorkbook.RefreshAll Dim ws As Worksheet, i As Long, j As Long, strName As String In our example, we selected cell G5 and click OK. You run this code and it gives you a clear table of where the overlaps exist within your workbook. ‘ returns a collection with information about pivottables that overlap or intersect each other Hi Cameron, Great question! End If Matt shares lots of free content on this website every week.  Subscribe to the newsletter and you will receive an update whenever a new article is posted. Sub RefreshPivots() Subscribe to the newsletter and you will receive an update whenever a new article is posted. Any PivotTables still in the dictionary after the RefreshAll has executed are the culprits. sMsg = sMsg & vbNewLine & vbNewLine This Excel tutorial explains how to change the display of errors in a pivot table in Excel 2010 (with screenshots and step-by-step instructions). Hi, great help here to find the source but how do I correct the problem. You really helped me sort out a Pivot table overlap issue and now I’ve saved your code as a module to use in the future again, if need be. Application.StatusBar = “Checking PivotTable conflicts in ” & strName & “…” There are 4 pivot tables in the above workbook. Excel does not insert rows when it draws a pivot table. Range(“C” & r).Formula = varItems(2) Whoops, code revision needed. Right click on any cell in the first Pivot Table. But when I do the refresh, I get a message saying "There is already data in [Workbook].Worksheet. The fact that they get refreshed twice when you hit Refresh All from the PowerPivot window is weird. varItems = coll(i) Generally, i advise all pivot tables to go on their own worksheet. If .Left + .Width = objRange1.Left Then I have renamed cell A1 above and given this cell a RangeName = Audit.  Then change the VBA code as follows. Thanks a lot! Global dic As Object For i = 1 To coll.Count Fix “Blank” Value in Pivot Table. Click Refresh again so we can show the 2015 data in our Pivot Table report: Voila! Your email address will not be published. Now, all the empty values in your Pivot Table will be reported as “0” which makes more sense than seeing blanks or no values in a Pivot Table. A client contacted me recently and asked me to solve a problem for them.  They have a large Power Pivot Excel workbook with lots of Pivot Tables.  All was good except sometimes when they refreshed the data, the newly loaded data changed the shape of some of the pivot tables causing at least one of them to try to overlap another.  Take the following example. A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report – Solution. STEP 4: Right click on any cell in the first Pivot Table. Range(“A1”).CurrentRegion.EntireColumn.AutoFit Dim pt As PivotTable It means that if Excel drew the pivot table, it would overlap a pivot table that is below or next to it. If .PivotTables.Count > 1 Then I read online about macros but I am not sure how to set one up to find the problem and then how to go on and fix it. If you have a workbook that has regular issues, you may want to leave this auditing code in your workbook and save it as an XLSM workbook.  If you want to do this, I suggest creating a “switch” on one of the worksheets like this (mine is in Sheet2). It has the advantage that you don’t have to click those those “A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report” warnings. So how to find overlapping pivot tables? Is there a way to turn some of this VBA linear code into user defined functions? The macro below shows how you can use the functions above. Dim sMsg As String, ThisWorkbook.RefreshAll End Sub. I am refreshing a pivot table. If .Top + .Height = objRange1.Top Then The first one is to get the refreshing pivot table order. Set ws = Nothing How To Prevent Tables from Overlapping I have one on top of the other, so as I add more rows to the top one they will eventually overlap with the bottom one. Please, could you share the evil genius code that works both for OLAP and for regular pivot tables that you mentioned? If objRange2 Is Nothing Then Exit Function, If Not Application.Intersect(objRange1, objRange2) Is Nothing Then sMsg = “The following PivotTable(s) are overlapping something: ” You can simply select Move PivotTable and you can move your Excel Pivot Table very quickly to make more space! With pivot tables, it's often the little things that are doesn't show up when you refresh, number formatting goes missing, fields have weird names...things like that. In our example, we selected cell G5 and click OK. You can’t have PivotCharts without PivotTables. AdjacentRanges = True Thank you so much for your code Jeff! Required fields are marked *. Conclusion. Range(“B” & r).Formula = varItems(1) 50 Things You Can Do With Excel Power Query, Free Excel Webinar Online Training Courses. Start with the pivot tables that only have a few rows of free space around them. 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